Life going back to 'normal' and the choices...

In the last few days a number of people have told me how they are worried, concerned and/or scared about life going back to ‘normal’.

I find this interesting, because ultimately we get to choose how we live our lives. I mean, of course, if we are in lockdown then our options will be limited to what we are told by government, but when lockdown eases, our choices return. So we gain choice again and I’m not sure what there is to fear about that.

I do get what people mean though. They are worried, concerned and/or scared of life returning to how it was before lockdown, because lockdown has provided people with the opportunity to live a different way, at a slower, calmer and gentler pace.

People have re-discovered what life was previously missing, more time with family for example, more time to engage in creative endeavours, to paint, to read, to garden, more opportunity to exercise and enjoy nature in the process, walking, cycling, swimming in the sea. I talk to many people who have finally had the time to do all the things they have wanted to do for years, but never quite got around to it.

It’s the same for me, and I have blogged about that already. But the thing is, I cannot imagine that life will go back to how it as previously, because that was then and this is now, and we have the choice to decided how it might play out. We don’t have to start rushing again or spending time in offices that drain nd exhaust us, with negative people and energies. We don’t have to over schedule ourselves so that we are constantly busy. We don’t have to do any of this.

We have the choice to say no, and to live in a way that is aligned with our true selves and want we need from life now. This is not a dress rehearsal. Thus if something no longer feels aligned then we should feel that we can do something about it, that in letting it go, something more aligned will enter in instead.

This whole subject reminds me of the crown chakra, so I will publish that blog post next, as I was editing it this morning and then a couple of people emailed about their concerns, and I couldn’t help noticing a link. The crown is all about faith and connection to the divine and seeing through the delusions of the ego so that you can see the bigger picture, and live in harmony with your own true nature and the nature of all beings, the oneness then, really knowing/embodying this.

So remember that. You do get to choose. No one is holding a gun to your head (well as far as I know!), and if you are up against an obstacle, then look at that, because something inside you clearly needs some attention and resolution, there is a part of you that is still fragmented and needs bringing back into the whole, some compassion for self, some love, and I suspect…something around the mother too.

The mother and the goddess just keeps coming up. Mothering ourselves, mothering others, how we’ve been mothered, and how we relate to our families, to our children, to nature and to the world. Lockdown has given us the opportunity to experience what life might feel like with shifted priorities. It’s brought the mother back into the home. We women are allowed to enjoy that, we don’t have to see it as negative or demeaning, or as if the feminine quest has been in vain.

I’ve never been happier than I am in the home, with my children, with what makes my life worth living. This has become increasingly obvious to me and it was confusing initially, because all the messages told me that to be an empowered woman I needed to be busy, busy, busy, always juggling, children, work, children, work, and earning money, as if this alone, materials once again, proves my worth as a twenty first century woman.

I know now that I was buying into this illusion as much as so many who claim to be empowered are also doing. There is nothing empowered in my opinion about being so busy that you haven’t got time for your children, or for sitting and watching the birds in the garden, or eating your lunch without also multi-taking (although I do still find myself doing this!).

We’ve been sold a lie and I’m pretty sure this is the reason so many of us women just have this feeling, something about the goddess, something about being a woman, questioning, like we’re slowly waking from a deep sleep, cannot quite remember, but there’s something that makes us hesitate…and question the first/next step into something new and as yet unknown, but a different direction from the one we have come from…but then we question, “what if we get it wrong”…as if decisions need a definitive outcome…and yet decisions will always take you somewhere…

It’s your path, you choose which direction it takes…

Sending love, and happy choices ahead! xxxx