Spiritual Life Coaching
Be heard. Have the space to hear yourself. Heal and release what’s no longer needed. Have a perspective shift. Feel empowered. Connect with your heart and soul. Know your truth. Move your life forwards.
What you’ll get
90 minutes to discuss whatever arises and is going on in your life whilst Emma channels Reiki in a beautiful healing space. You will reflect on the process each session. Sound healing, Bach floral remedies and oracle cards are also included to further support vitality and wellbeing.
Detailed email support after each session recommending various spiritual and healing practices. These may include a personalised yoga programme, meditation & relaxation practices, breathing techniques, the use of affirmations, Ayurvedic lifestyle and dietary advice including medicinal herbs.
Various questionnaires and written material are provided between sessions to help you consider your limiting beliefs, mindset, emotional body, physical body, and diet and lifestyle. The more able you are to take responsibility the more transforming this process will be.
If you can dream it, you can do it
If you can dream it, you can do it ☁︎
Expect a minimum of 3 months working together
Meeting approximately every 3 weeks
£150 per session
Coaching with Emma was such a positive experience. She has created a lovely, healing and safe space where anything can be shared without judgement.
Before starting the course I was feeling stuck and depressed, not seeing a way through, but as we worked together, I felt a real shift in lots of ways, through Ayurveda, Reiki and being able to talk freely about issues.My energy levels are better now and I feel much more positive about making changes. Emma helped me to move through a lot of old issues, in a very empathetic way, and to feel hopeful again.
Emma has supported hundreds of people over the last 18 years to live their best life. Here she combines all she has learned, not only through her own experience but from working with others and observing and learning from them.
Using her gift of clairsentience and working intuitively, Emma can help you to move on from anything that is holding you back from your past – physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and energetically - and help you identify, understand and open up to your greater vision, purpose and potential for this life time.
In this way, she will help you make sense of who you are and what you are here for, encouraging authenticity and alignment, a deeper connection to your heart and soul and a greater opening to spirit.
All spiritual life coaching sessions are unique to the individual, and will be personalised accordingly.
Emma will be here to guide you to:
❊ Consider the limiting beliefs that are holding you back;
❊ Consider your mindset and the manner in which it creates your suffering;
❊ Identify your self-perception and worth;
❊ Consider your emotional body and the emotions repressed and suppressed that are causing increased frustration, angst and heaviness;
❊ Identify dietary and lifestyle changes that will support your immune function and vitality so you can be the best version of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
❊ Connect to your heart and soul and gain clearer direction;
❊ Connect with, and start to trust in your intuition and inner knowingness;
❊ Overcome challenges and obstacles in your life;
❊ Move through stress, depression and/or anxiety;
❊ Work through career and/or relationship issues;
❊ Move towards greater self-love and authenticity;
❊ Begin to believe in yourself and your hopes and dreams;
❊ Settle more easily into the unknown and the uncertain.
✺ Who is this for? ✺
If any of these sound familiar, you may benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching.
You suffer from low self-esteem;
You feel like a failure;
You don’t feel good enough;
You don’t love and/or value yourself;
You have poor boundaries;
You are on a self-development journey;
You know there is something holding you back from reaching your full potential;
You want to change and need help to make it so, or maybe you lack clarity or willpower on where to start;
You are having relationship issues that you are struggling to navigate;
You hold onto the past, and you struggle to let go and forgive;
You feel stagnant and/or stuck in your job or other areas of life and want to break free;
You have big dreams but feel crippled by limiting thoughts;
You are tired and weary of repeating the same patterns over and over again;
You frequently feel depleted and as if life is a hard work and a struggle;
You feel as though you don’t know who you truly are, and have potentially shut down from a part of yourself.
“It has been life enhancing in ways I could not have anticipated. I cannot thank Emma enough for the huge positive changes I have experienced since I started having the spiritual coaching.This is something that I truly think everyone could benefit from. I feel extremely lucky to have met Emma and to have her wise and compassionate perspective.”