The summer solstice!
It’s the summer solstice here today in the northern hemisphere and I’m feeling much more blurgh than I would be usually on this un-filled day. Ordinarily I’d be up and out for sunrise, exploring some new alignment and getting powered up for the day ahead, but the weather here is appalling and I have been feeling exhausted by the shifting energy. Others have told me they feel the same, there’s a stagnation in the air and a general sense of heaviness.
I did head the call yesterday evening though, fulled on Sing’s amazing chocolate from our earlier yoga & Reiki empowerment session, and headed out to a sacred site renowned for its midsummer’s eve connection, to watch the sunsetting. There was no sunset to see but I did get a feel into the energy and enjoyed the guidance of the rabbits and blackbirds, who led the way, albeit I was using my rods too, but they both took me to the same place regardless!
I enjoyed a fire too with another Pagan friend, this a traditional way to spend midsummer’s eve albeit we didn’t actually jump the fire this time! We did enjoy the bats and the sounds of wildlife until the rain came in and poured down on us - cleansing in another way perhaps!
It’s a funny time, this period of the sun standing still before we begin the gentle descent into the darkness, reminding us of the polarities of life and that time in-between. It’s very easy in our lives to accept one side of then polarity and reject the other. I’ve grown weary over the years of the whole new age spiritual love and light phenomenon, where individuals focus solely on the love and light, rejecting anything they see as heavy and dark, forgetting that we have all aspects of everything within us, that there is always another perspective.
I got caught up in it like the rest, not knowing any better, feeling that it was all about the love and light and merely fuelling my own repression and rejection of my wholeness, turning away from those parts I deemed bad and didn’t like, such as my anger and rage and my frustration - the darkness. Over the years I realised how much this approach to spiritualism was merely feeding more of the illusion and keeping me trapped in a lack of love for self because I was continuously denying aspects of myself and drawing in situations to help me see this, so it felt that I was never shifting anything, just kept living the same patterns.
It wasn’t until i started to appreciate that I am a mixture of everything and stopped rejecting the bits that thought were bad or simply didn't like, that I started to accept and love myself just as I am. It wasn’t easy, and no doubt is an ongoing process, because we have to notice how much we are deceiving ourselves and that can be tricky - we may have spent a lifetime rejecting bits of ourselves and fragmenting our soul in the process because it’s uncomfortable looking at it. We are all killers and manipulators on some level even if we don’t want to accept it.
Essentially we are the light and the dark and everything in between. The solstices remind us of this. The pendulum swings one way and then it will swing another and somewhere in amongst all that we find our equilibrium, we flow and cycle with nature and our own nature - not doing things just because others do or because it is expected of us, but because it feels right, we are in our flow.
I’m hopeful we might see a sunrise the next few days as I’m always keen to explore local megaliths and dolmens and sun/moon alignments, these power spots that connect around the globe, like a matrix bringing greater energy and reverence into the earth.
I hope you all have a super solstice wherever you are and whatever you do. Do it for you, not for anyone else though, and enjoy.
Love Emma x