A new perspective - new moon solar eclipse
It’s intense! There’s no other way to describe the energy as we sit here sandwiched between two eclipses, the moon waning towards the new moon solar eclipse on Thursday, this two weeks after the super full moon lunar eclipse. Phew.
For me it’s all about perspective and I am absolutely finding myself in the thick of it as I evaluate the way I perceive things and question this. There are always two sides to every story and always another way to look at things.
This was brought home to me when I was reading a book about paradox and healing, and the fact orthodox medicine view healing in a totally different way to those of us who work holistically:
“Our present assumptions about scientific thinking date back to the time of Rene Descartes (1596-1650). At the age of 23, he had an intuition which led to the publication of his famous essay, “Discourses on Method”.
The essay contains three tenets which have over time become the fundamental building blocks of our modern scientific culture. They are: the certainty of scientific knowledge; the separation of mind and matter; and the universe as a machine”. Dr Michael Greenwood & Dr Peter Nunn
Of course this is in such contrast to how I perceive the world within which I live. As far as I can tell reality is observer-dependent, what is seen depends on who is seeing it, so there is no such thing as objectivity. And the strange thing is, while this has now been accepted by physicists, modern scientific medicine has not yet been impacted.
Furthermore, modern medicine still consider the mind and body separate, to the extent that physical illnesses are for the body and mental illnesses are for the mind and there is no connection between the two. This has led to physical medicine and psychiatry being geographically separated, as we have here on Guernsey, two separate units, one for the body and one for the mind.
This approach to medicine also encourages the reductionism – the idea that the body is better understood if broken down into separate parts. This leads to specialists, specialising on one part of the body as if that part functions solely alone (and without any impact from mind or soul). GPs are seen as a lesser breed because of their generalised knowledge, no specialism.
Often people come to me for Reiki with a specific issue, maybe a sore shoulder, and they are surprised when we find a mental and emotional element to it, and that the source of the pain and discomfort has originated from somewhere else in their body. To me the separation of mind and body is bonkers, so too medical reductionism. But to most of the world, conditioned as people are to this medical model, it is accepted as gospel truth, irrelevant that Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are both 5,000 years old and view the body and health from a totally different perspective.
This is the thing about perspective. There’s always a different way to look at things, but this is dependent on how our minds have been conditioned and trained, our bodies too. My yoga teacher was talking about this recently, how a tiger can be trained in a circus to perform tricks, but in the process the tiger-ness of the tiger is removed from it. So it is too with our minds and with our bodies as well, in yoga we can run the risk of removing our ‘ness’ if we just copy what everyone else does and try to train our body someway as if we too were training to perform tricks in a circus.
The sacred sites that I visit have been teaching me about perspective, my dowsing rods too. I can be at the same site with my stone friend and yet both of us can have a totally different take and perspective on things, even our dowsing tools will tell us different things, because our perspective is different, which will inevitably affect our intention.
Perspective has shown up as well with the vaccine and the division this has created. I did write to HSC and CCA this week to voice my concerns about discrimination and separation, but of course absolutely everyone has a different perspective and the last thing I want to do is feed a war, and us against them thing. As I’ve said before, I couldn’t care less what anyone else does, I just feel it is important that everyone is safe to make their own choice without fear of vindication.
It’s not going to help the world if we all start judging each other, because we can only see one side of the same coin. At the end of the day we are all doing our best, and we would do well to remind oursleves of that age old saying about not judging a person unless you have walked a day in their shoes. We will always have a different perspective on things.
This is absolutely showing up this new moon and I am very aware that my mind is being asked to let go on this eclipse, of the way it seems the world and holds on tightly to false and limiting beliefs and in the process, change the perspective. It’s not an easy process, it never is, but sometimes we have to break down to break through and it’s not the first time and won’t be the last time to have to let go of the way I see the world so I can see it from a different perspective.
Eclipses are renowned for bringing change - a new perspective for the collective as well as each of us individually. We might think this means outer change, a new job, a new partner, more money. And it might mean all this, but really, it’s inner change that they bring, which will ultimately change our outer world too, but sometimes in subtle ways, so that perhaps we don’t feel the need for the new job or partner or greater abundance, because we start to see things from a different perspective and realise we had it all anyway, if only we could get out of our way to see it and just get on with living it, rather than flip flopping from the past to the future and back again.
This is a time to open your hands and let go – this is a Gemini new moon, everything is up in the air, so let it all go, everything you have been holding onto and trying to intellectualise and figure out. Whatever lands back in your path again will reveal itself in time and you’ll know then the direction to take, the eclipse will align you to it, trust in that, there’s nothing to do but just open to it and seeing things differently in the months ahead.
In the interim, keep getting on your mat, keep breathing, and keep doing what you can to nourish yourself spiritually. Which is what I am off to do now, it’s almost sunset…
Love Emma x