Full moon and perspective
It’s an Aquarius full moon on Saturday morning, peaking at 2.36am, so the energy is ramping up these last few days.
In myself and working with various clients I have noticed a theme; this moon is bringing up feelings of injustice around the system. The system is broken. We are living in a world where the systems that are broken and many more are suddenly awakening to the uncomfortableness of this awareness.
Here in Guernsey the judicial system is flawed and is in desperate need of a review to bring it into the 21st century. We have evolved as humanity and this now needs to be reflected. Imprisoning people isn’t the answer in most cases, and we need to collectively wake up to create a world where people are treated individually, compassionately and humanely. The laws themselves are out of date.
In Guernsey we also still haven’t moved forward in resolving the educational issues. Another generation passes through the faulty system and as parents all we can do is hope for the best, or home school or go private. As a teacher it must be beyond frustrating.
But the same could be said for nurses working in the health care system also flawed and outdated, especially in mental health. Fortunately we’re now seeing social prescribing here on Guernsey, but we have a long way to go to shift the paradigm that finds people giving they power away to health care professionals, expecting to be fixed with pharmaceuticals, rather than taking responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. Given the choice between yoga and an anti-depressant for depression, most would probably still choose the anti-depressant because people continue to look outside of themselves for resolution.
However there are others who are awakening and seeing through more of the educational, societal and cultural conditioning and realising more of the illusion. It’s never an easy process to go through, and we can feel as if we are awakening for the very first time, even if we felt we were awake previously, and in many respects its harder on those who thought they had seen through the illusion, to discover that there is another level to it. There are many layers and levels to the illusion. We peel away one and see more clearly the truth, and then another one reveals itself and we have to peel into that one too, so always the picture is changing.
It’s easy to get lost along the way, playing out old paradigms, from the ego, whether that be mind ego or spiritual ego, it’s all the same in terms of keeping us stuck and fixing us in time and space. if we truly want the systems to change then we have to let go of trying to fix it in any one way and just allow it the space to unravel itself into something more aligned and true. It serves no one to begin fighting the system, because the system will fight back and before you know it you’re caught in more war, even if you believe that you are fighting a just cause, it doesn't matter, it’s all the same, a lack of harmony and peace.
There are as many different perspectives in this world as there are people living it. Everyone will see things differently and Covid has absolutely highlighted this with various opinions on what should happen next. There will never be a right or wrong way that everyone agrees on because of perspective. There is never just a ‘yes’ without there being a ‘no’, such is the nature of duality and we currently live in a world of duality. However if the sages are to be believed then we are moving towards a world of oneness and therefore harmony.
We have to begin to recognise that for this to become a reality, we have to play our individual role in making the change from ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to maybe or perhaps…to allowing. It is in the space of allowing that magic happens. If more of us allowed a change to the systems, then the system may have the chance to solve itself into something more, well, evolving, something more suited to the evolving nature of society, into something more fluid then. So therefore fluid has to start with ourselves.
The full moon as we all know has a habit of shining light into the shadows, of highlighting where things aren’t working for us in our lives. Where life isn’t working! This full moon is highlighting that the systems aren’t working, but it’s also highlighting where our internal system of evaluating ‘yes’ and ‘no’, our fixed point of view then, might also not be working, especially in relationship to our self. Have we a fixed idea of how we should live? Have we a fixed idea of how life should be lived en masse? Do we have a fixed idea of how we should relate to our self? Or to others?
This moon is bringing fluidity, water, not necessarily in the sense of going with the flow, albeit there is no harm in going with the flow, but in being fluid in our approach to life and in our relationship to self. Heck, giving ourselves a break, letting go of the fixed mind and its rigidity. Giving ourselves some time and space to allow whatever needs to drop away to drop away and to allow whatever needs to come in to come in…if there’s no space, if we’re too fixed then nothing will ever positively change.
It’s the allowing both sides of the coin and everything in between that we might experience greater harmony and inner peace, love then. And the more we feel that inside ourselves, the more we will feed that into the collective consciousness and the more the systems will break down and evolve - reflecting our own process of breaking down before we experience a shift in consciousness and evolution. Fighting against ourselves will just create more injustice and loss of harmony, and this will merely feed the war in the outside world too. There will be a lack of love.
Again we come back to the notion that to change the world we need to first change ourselves. Love the self and everything else shifts.
It’s sort of related and maybe not, but there are more flies than usual here on Guernsey and I have had a fly in the healing space all day, and it has just reminded me about the need to live in greater harmony and to let go of our irritations. The fly was absolutely annoying me during my first session, but as I realised that it was possibly teaching me a lesson, and as I tried to radiate a sense of love towards it - it has as much right to be on planet earth as me, just like viruses and bacteria and all other life forms - so my irritation eased and so the fly stopped bothering me or my clients!
It has to begin inside us. We have to notice what is irritating us and then learn to turn towards it and see its alternative perspective rather than turning away from it, fixed and blinkered in our own perspective. It is in this way that we step away from feelings of separation and aloneness, of victimhood and blame hood, of ‘us’ and ‘them’ of ‘yes’ and ‘no’, and begin instead to enjoy glimpses of ‘perhaps’ and ‘maybe’, of not being fixed in any one direction and of the magical inner harmony and oneness that might arise as a result of this allowing of all perspective.
As always it’s about love. Allowing love the space to heal and allowing ourselves to be loved. To turn toward those who irritate and annoy us with love, because they’re merely reflecting a part of ourselves that irritates and annoys us! A hard reality to face, but a necessary one too. It’s harder to love than it is to hate!
Enjoy the full moon, we’ll be celebrating on Sark! Spread love!