Happy Lammas

Happy Lammas!

I love the energy of Lammas, and the bread making that I attempt to do each year as an offering to the Mother Goddess.

Lammas is the celebration of the first grain harvest - we are now in high summer with the union of the sun and earth and god and goddess producing this first harvest. Lammas marks the time for gathering in and giving thanks for abundance.

The word ‘lammas’ is derived from ‘loaf mass’ and is indicative of how central and honoured is the first grain and the first loaf of the harvesting cycle. It’s a good excuse to make bread, even if I don’t eat it, the boys do and enjoy it too.

I did attempt a sunrise at a sacred site aligned to Lammas sunrise, with a stone to Mother Goddess. The sky was heavy with rain but the energy has kept me going all day. It’s an energy of retreat for me now, a drawing in, as the nights are already drawing in and will draw in quickly now as we head to the autumnal equinox. It’s the wane after such a potent full moon!

Signs of the wane in nature and the seasonal shift are all around us; I tasted my first blackberry yesterday up at St Germain Nature Reserve where I was honoured to teach a yoni yoga class as part of a baby shower. I’d forgotten how beautiful it is up there and would love to try and arrange a drop-in one when I’ve had enough of retreating!

For now though, it’s time to enjoy the first harvest and my plants are keeping me busy and the boys and the Goddess too, in her own way.

Happy Lammas and I hope you have a lovely wane with the moon too.



Another cycle begins


Full moon lessons and learnings