It's all changing at Beinspired...
The longest walk you’ll ever have to make it from the mind to the heart.”
Happy Imbolc for yesterday (and new moon tomorrow!)
It’s rather auspicious both these events arriving at the same time, highlighting that we truly are in a stage of new beginnings. I love Imbolc, all the new shoots appearing, the ‘pregnant belly’ time of year, with a potent energy of young growth. Get out there and enjoy!
I’ve a feeling that many of you will be starting to see more light in your lives as nature too experiences more light. The clarity is coming in, in bursts, like the energy at this time of year, little bits here and there. I had a burst of it a few days ago, of changes that need to be made and of a new direction to take. I was excited by this and felt to throw myself into it, and then I remembered that this too is my old way, throwing myself into something and exhausting myself in the process. So this time I will honour Imbolc and be patient and allow the seeds of ideas to grow as and when the time is right.
This does mean though, that after much soul searching I have become aware that it is time to make changes to how I offer yoga. I have been teaching classes for almost 16 years now and the Monday class for a good 10 years or so. While I have loved this, I would now love to spend this time with my children instead. It’s not been an easy decision to make and sadly I cannot find anyone to take the class from me, so I’m afraid that the last Monday evening class will be Monday 14th March 2022. I’m so grateful to those of you who have regularly supported this class over the years and I am sorry to those of you who still attend weekly. I am aware that there are a plethora of other classes and teachers on the island so I have no doubt you will find your way to someone else.
I’m going to continue teaching the Friday morning class but this will no longer be a drop-in. The approach to yoga that I practice and teach - one of enquiry and deepening into awareness, honouring the mystery and the sacred and essentially realising the self (the path of yoga according to ancient texts) - requires a certain level of commitment and dedication. The students currently attending the class are indeed committed and this means that we can access even deeper levels of awareness through the group energy.
So the Friday group will be made up of those who currently attend the class when they can, but for anyone else who would like to join, people contact me first before attending. We'll be releasing full details on this and update the website shortly. Changes will take effect from 18th March.
In the interim, for those who have tokens that have not yet been used, hopefully I have given you sufficient notice to use them between now and 18th March. if you have any issues using them then please let me know and perhaps they can be offset against the cost of an event or private session in Reiki, yoga or Ayurveda. I’m afraid I’m not in a position to offer cash refunds, thank you for your understanding this.
I will of course continue to teach on yoga retreats and workshops, where I can delve deeper with all of you, and as already said, the Friday morning class. Any questions or concerns then please do get in touch at
Beinspired’s focus is shifting increasingly away from yoga, partly intentionally (I’m afraid I’m a bit of a purist!) and partly because Beinspired has its own energy.
I couldn’t believe it the other day when I went online to buy my godson his first yoga mat and had to look really hard to find one for under £30. Wow! It’s such a shame that we have to do this, commercialise all that is wonderful and rip the sacred from it in the process.
At its core, yoga is a spiritual practice and way of living, but these days it has been reduced to nothing more than an exercise class separated from its roots and devoid any philosophical underpinning. I appreciate I’ve played my role in this and wish to honour more of the sacred in my approach to offering yoga and indeed teaching it. The teacher/student relationship is so important in helping us access deeper levels of awareness.
Please don’t get me wrong, all yoga is helpful to some extent, but if we’re not careful, we can get stuck in our unhelpful patterns both in body and mind, limiting ourselves by the superficiality and externslisation of practice rather than going deeper inside - this what classical yoga is all about in terms of becoming increasingly conscious. All we need is with us and everything else becomes a distraction!
Beinspired, as if reflecting my own life, has increasingly flowed towards Reiki. I am truly passionate about Reiki and its many benefits. I'm enjoying seeing increasing numbers of you bringing Reiki into your life and seeing your lives positively changed by this. And it really does change things. Certainly my life has been changed in ways I could never have previously imagined and I know many of you have experienced this for yourself. It was lovely to come together for my first in-person Reiki she with you last Wednesday and we will be making this a monthly event so please do feel to join us.
The way that I offer Reiki treatments has changed over the last two years too, since Covid. Many people are unable to rest easily due to their high level of anxiety, but also clients have increasingly felt to talk through their concerns at the same time that I am channelling Reiki to them and to go deeper into their body in the process. This has helped us to delve into energetic blocks as my perception and intuition has also heightened during the last two years, and this of course supports the process. Not that there should be expectation, but there have been real break throughs for people who have committed to the process. Like anything Reiki is a spiritual practice and must be practiced to really feel and experience the benefits. Hence my passion in enabling people to become attuned too Reiki, not only for their benefit, but the benefit of humanity and the planet as a whole - Reiki expands cosciousness!
I have now started attuning children to Reiki and would like to offer this to the children of those who are Reiki attuned. I won’t be offering it as a formal session, I’m working on the basis that you will have shared Reiki with your child(ren) and that you have talked about it with them. I’ll just meet with you, preferably outdoors, and attune your child(ren) in nature, for a nominal donation (no more than £20 each please). They will receive an information sheet and certificate and can ask questions then or at a later date. It would be lovely to bring the Reiki children together at some point and share dowsing and crystals with them around a fire…these are some of the ideas forming…Those who would like their children attend, please contact me directly at
That’s it for me. I hope you enjoy Imbolc and all the new moon is bringing to you individually but us collectively.
Love Emma xxx