Happy new moon flow

Happy New Moon! And what a moon cycle it is too. I could literally feel the energy contracting and expanding the last few days, getting quicker and quicker, like the stuff that needed to be released had to be squeezed out of us, and here on Guernsey we descended into the gloom of the fog too on the dark night, which I believe might have been a dark night of the soul for some of you.

I was lucky, my dark night of the soul has already come to pass, and so the energy, while tricky to manage with it’s in and out, up and down nature, having us plummet from feeling all might just be OK to everything feeling terrible again, was bearable because I already had a sense that we were literally being pushed out…depending on what’s taken place these last few months and our degree of honesty with ourselves about the way we are living our life, whether these accord with your values and with our heart, or whether the mind continues to run the show convincing us we’re living from the heart when we’re really not.

It’s not easy connecting with the heart, let alone truly living from it. The heart does not offer certainty and it is unlikely to take us on a known and previously lived path, it won’t be linear either. The mind struggles with all of that as the mind wants certainty, it wants guaranteed outcome, it needs to know that it will be OK. The heart cannot guarantee this, it lives in the moment and this is where it’s power is, because it sets us free from the restriction of the mind and offers us a richer moment to moment experience.

If we haven’t been honest, and are still buying into the illusion then it could be a tricky two weeks as we wax to the full moon. However, if we have seen more of the light and let go go some of our outdated mental and self imposed limitations not least in how we perceive the world, but in our relationship to self, then new beginnings await. But this is not a time to forge forward, still patience is required, we are in the delivery room and discernment is necessary.

Pay attention to everything in your orbit as the signs are returning again. Notice the birds that come into your view, for example, and what’s happening around you. Remember that whatever happens is FOR you, not TO you, at least on a soulful level - we can very easily allow ourselves to drop into victim mentality otherwise and before we know it the ego has us caught in old patterns around goodness and worth (and lack of both).

I’m feeling really positive about this shift. The Piscean new moon may well be a watery one, bringing up emotions, but it is a moon of flow, if we are aligned to it. This really is a time to delve deeper in, notice where we are feeding drama in our lives and agitating our minds, and let go, let go, and enter more of the inner flow. Try not to control outcome. It’s very much about being in this moment and leaning deeper into faith and trust.

This is where the practice is essential now and I have no idea how anyone is navigating life without it. This is about actually putting the practice into practice too btw, not just talking about it. Too many people do the talk and not the walk, talking about a world of light and love and yet not appreciating the many ways they sabotage this in their own lives, always externalising and dramatising, rather than just looking inwards at their own landscape and choices and action. Plus we have to remember not to deny what we perceive as our dark spots, they’re as much a part of us as the bits we like. Embrace them all, this is the only way to bring greater authenticity into our lives.

Some of you are interested in Ayurveda following my previous blog post. Don’t forget that I am a qualified Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Diet consultant, having studied with my doctor for a year and now almost 14 years into experimenting on and learning from myself. I can consult with you to figure out your fault (dosh), where you are out of balance, and I can prescribe Ayurvedic medicine to help restore balance, as well as offering dietary and lifestyle advice too.

Please note Ayurveda is very different to the Western approach to nutrition. This is all about establishing optimal digestive fire, to calm your mind, stabilise your emotions, balance your energy, nourish your soul and help to expand your consciousness, so that your whole life is positively affected, healing and helping to awaken you to more of your own true nature. Like yoga, Ayurveda is a way of life that is over 5,000 years old and ends to be practiced to really experience the benefits - this involves a degree of personal responsibility. I love Ayurveda as it makes a huge difference the more that you bring it into your life.

Happy New Moon!

Love Emma x


Choices and action


Riding the storm