Happy new moon coming!

We’re in the dark moon today, with for some can be tricky, but I’ve actually found it refreshingly clear in its message that there is no going back now. The eclipse season is finished and this new moon feels like it is integrating the changes that the eclipses brought with them.

I’ve seen some fundamental changes in many of my clients over the eclipses, and or many I have seen this week, there is an acceptance of that change and an integration thing place. Things aren’t necessarily sorted - when are they ever - but there is greater clarity that the changes were necessary and we just have to keep on keeping on, putting one foot in front of the other.

The weight of all this change has laid heavily on shoulders and spines and much of the emotions have been overwhelming for the hips. I have seen a common tightness around the collarbones in many I have seen, the battle between the head and the heart weighs heavily on the neck and the shoulder girdle, which includes the collarbones. We can carry a lot of misguided guilt, especially if we feel we have upset the apple cart and set things spiralling.

We haven’t really, even this is part of the illusion, sometimes we have to do what we have to do regardless of the not being certain of outcome, or the impact that our decisions may have on others. At the end of the day the changes we wish to see in the world have to begin with us individually - sure, we might try to do external fixing, but this is just a distraction from getting inside ourselves and making the changes there - always easier to look outside ourselves and moan about the world’s disharmonious situation (for example) rather than looking at our own inner disharmony.

It always has to be about the internal and about being honest with ourselves and living as authentically as possible. It does seem to me that this new moon is helping with this, helping us to be more honest with ourselves and to see more clearly who we have become, so we can let go of notions of who we were and who we’d lie to be, and see ourselves clearly as we are, even if this is uncomfortable because we’re not as love and light (thank god) as we might believe ourselves to be.

In many respects it’s time to drop the act, to stop caring about what others think, to stop being anything but our true selves, warts and all, and learning to love the shadow. We are who we are. Some people will like us, some won’t, but that’s life. Some people will criticise us and others won’t. Why should we care? If we are contended and happy within ourselves then really it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Opinions change as often as the season. And of the they’re merely based on a conditioned perspective that will only ever se life a certain way. Why should any of us be limited by this, by someone else’s way of seeing the world?

At some point we have to break free, stand on our own two feet, take responsibility for our experience of life, but let go of worrying about everyone else. Always easier said than done and a constant work in progress in my life, but one worth preserving with for it does bring much greater freedom. These are exciting times. There is a sense of creating a new world, of dreaming the dream of a new world, and allowing ourselves to get on with creating it. We have the power. The only thing often getting in our way is our own crap. Sooner we let that go, the better for the planet!

Happy new moon coming.

Love Emma x

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