Always there is a sacrifice - happy full moon!

It’s full moon day! It’s the largest of the full moon’s this year, in so much as it’s the closest one to the earth and it certainly looked huge last night as it was rising into the sky.

I have been feeling rather upbeat on this waxing moon, but have also noticed some themes popping through which Rebekah Shaman mentions in her lunascope, where she writes:

Feeling sleepless, a bit more anxious, and your inner critic is suddenly becoming a whole lot bitchier, blame it on this Capricorn Full Supermoon...But the biggest reverberations in the night sky, during this moon cycle, is Pluto conjunct the Capricorn moon, Sun conjunct Mercury, and Uranus trining the Moon…These Planetary clashes are going to illuminate a whole load of issues that have been hidden in our personal and collective psyche, especially around family, work balance, and life purpose. Be prepared to have your boat rocked with some home truths, and how best to communicate them.

I have seen others facing these same issues and while you could argue that that could happen anytime, it does seem as if the moon is trying to make us consider how our lives might otherwise be lived, reflecting a little my previous big around dreaming a new dream. Also, what I have witnessed in others is this theme around wanting our cake and eating it and the consequences of this. The way in which our desires might determine our choices, so that we sell out on our soul, for example, because we want the bigger car or house, or whatever it might be.

There is also a time around perfectionism, how many still buy into this idea that if so and so happens, if they own so and so, or go on holiday to so and so, or whatever it might be, then they will feel better about life and themselves, rather than simply accepting where they are at in this moment and all they have in their lives. Still there is this drive towards more, more, more and this notion that there is a perfect world/perfect state of mind/perfect body/perfect life.

This is of course utter nonsense and the sooner we individually and collectively let go of this the better for everyone, especially the Planet. This idea of perfect has people giving themselves a really hard time and I have seen this with friends recently, how much they can suffer because of their judgements about themselves and their parenting, or their lifestyle or how they earn money, or their performance, and how easily it can feed patterning around failure.

It is this pattern that I have witnessed the most on this wax, with friends and family who hold onto this notion of “I am a failure” due to something that possibly happened in their past that they bought into as a truth and which can get triggered from time to time. This of course linked with the idea of perfect. If people could just let go of perfect, the there would be nothing too fail. There is nothing to fail. You can’t fail at life any more than you can fail at being a parent.

On the whole everyone is doing their best and the best they can do for themselves is shift any negative mindset to something much more positive, so that the collective psyche is positively changed into something that is empowered and hopeful rather than disempowered and hopeless.

Life is as it is and we always have a choice. This awareness around choice is not to give ourselves a hard time, but just to consider the nature of the way we make our choices, what motivates them? Do we make choices through fear or through desire, or through combination of both? The Yoga Sutras will infer that both are an obstacle to our self-realisation.

I noticed myself reaching out for a potential change in my life that was based on fear and not heart, a wobble I might have called it. The fear of the increasing cost of living made me consider whether I should go back to living a life already lived. When I dug deeper I was aware that my rumination came as a result of a deep fear around loss of security and were not of the heart which speaks of trust and faith and staying true to self. We easily flip flop between the two and can make choices in a speedy fashion, not considering the potential consequences, which catch up with us later.

But even then, even if the consequences are not favourable, this doesn’t mean we have failed. Only that we made a choice and that choice created a particular result and every moment provides us with the opportunity to choose again, to shift the perspective, come from a deeper place of trust and faith, of heart and also of reality, in so much as we haven’t disappeared into unrealistic fantasy. Sometimes we want things that are not for us. Sometimes we convince ourselves we can have those things regardless. Always there is a sacrifice.

This for me actually is the message of this waxing moon - always there is a sacrifice and we need to find a way to be OK with that and to accept the sacrifice. It’s taken me over nine months, but I finally see the sacrifice I have had to make and am finally accepting this and letting of of my conditioning that tells me it should be different and of the guilt that has arisen with it. Once change has come in, life can never be lived the same and sometimes our mind has to catch up with our reality and the physical body in this moment.

It is always about being in the moment, body, mind and soul, unified. And it is about being OK with where we’re at, because this is the result of what came before, and that came about because of the choices we made in that moment. It is pointless looking back with regret, as much as it is pointless drifting off into an imagined future when you consider that then, then, all will be OK. We really do only have this moment and this moment is utterly beautiful - perfect in its imperfections! Being gracious for that is key, and accepting the sacrifices that came to enable this, and letting go of anything which stands in the way of this (usually a mental imprinting about it having to be different)…I’m grateful to the moon for illuminating and reminding me of this.

So enjoy the full moon and all the lessons and blessings she brings and see you on the wane.

Love Emma x

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