New moon!

Happy New moon!

I hope you are feeling OK as we touch the new moon. There is a big push to release old patterns and emotions and many of my clients have found themselves in tears the last few days, up against it, and yet knowing that it is all part of their ongoing personal and spiritual development.

So just to say if you are feeling weepy, emotional, all over the place and just not yourself, then don’t worry, blame it on the moon! Try to go into whatever feeling is coming up for you, and try to own it and be with it without giving yourself a hard time or rejecting some aspect of you. It’s all good! Also try to see any situation from an elevated perspective, there will be a lesson in it and an opportunity to clear an old pattern now no longer needed.

We start again today, a clean slate, and it does feel like that in many respects. Take note of where a door is closing and be patient for the new one opening…and remember to follow your joy…

It’s Lammas on Monday, the cross-quarter festival of grain, the beginning of the grain harvest (time to make bread) and the start of autumn too believe it or not…we are celebrating with a Yoni Yoga class on Sunday 9.30-10.45am, followed by Kirtan 10.45-11.30am with Katie (optional) outside (if weather holds) at St Martin’s Community Centre (or in the Parish Hall if not). Please come and join us ladies - here and the details and online booking

Love Emma x

Emma DespresComment