It's all up in the air!

From an Ayurvedic perspective we are in the airy vata time of the year. From an Astrological perspective we are in Libra, which is an air sign. We’re a week on from the equinox too. So I guess it’s hardly surprising that everything is up in the air, or at least, this is what so many fo you are telling me - “everything is up in the air Emma”. Yes! I hear you. There is change.

E tells me that mortgage rates have tripled so those living on credit will no doubt be struggling. I’m sorry for those in dire straits, but a shift in the housing market is needed, its become pure greed, especially here on Guernsey. Many of you are going through relationship breakdowns or split ups or re-orientation, depending on your perspective, and yet more are changing jobs, careers too, taking the plunge, to try something different, see how it feels, find greater balance amongst the chaos.

It does feel chaotic. But for me, I know that that’s because I am juggling multiple things. Furthermore the energy is whipped up and its busy. I’m an expert on busyness. As E says, he’s never known me not to be busy. But there are different levels to busyness. Too busy and I hit overwhelm really easily, my mind spinning into a frenzy so I have to give myself a really good talking to in an effort to calm down and stop the future orientation. Moment to moment. That seems to work best. Breathing in and taking a long breath out again. Thank God for yoga and Reiki and Ayurvedic herbs!

Busy has its benefits though, if busy is not too busy. This isn’t busy to avoid feeling, or to distract from whatever else might be going on, as a coping mechanism or a form of denial, but busy because life is full and we are enjoying ourselves. I like that busy.

I don’t mind things being up in the air either, because I like change. The key is to maintain one’s centre and stay rooted regardless, in touch with heart and deepening into faith. Easier said than done I know, especially when you’re in the thick of it and not sure where it’ll all land. But in many respects that’s quite exciting, even though it can prompt anxiety, because of the groundlessness. Hence the benefit of getting outside, connecting with the earth and breathing fresh air into your lungs, let alone getting to a class and sloooowwwwwinnng down. I love Yoni Yoga for that.

The other thing going on - people are feeling under the weather, quite literally, the weather is shocking today and more forecast, it was a quick shift from the delights of summer to the wet and decidedly cold snap into autumn. It’s a huge seasonal transition, and one that does involve some grieving, especially if you are a summer lover and loved this summer especially with all that beautiful weather and the fun that was had, let alone the socialising and summer romances, and all that entails.

Grief is held in the lungs. The lungs fill with air. The heart chakra is represented by the element of air. So we may be feeling a heaviness in our heart, maybe a seasonal cold and cough trying to clear it out, maybe a depression that comes with this heaviness and sickness and the general grieving that might be needed, as we are encouraged to let go over and over again. Letting go of outdated ways of being, letting go of toxic people, letting go of giving ourselves a hard time for our perceived wrong doings, letting go of our victimhood simply because life isn’t turning out as we want or expect or desire.

if ever there was a time to dig into shifting the perspective, per one of the Yoga Sutras, then this is it. Shft the perspective into something positive. You do have the power for that. Your mind will tell you otherwise. But that’s the nature of the mind, it likes to be in control and when we let it run riot, we end up depressed and anxious and feeling unsafe and crappy about ourselves and the world, and we lose our centre and our confidence and our voice.

It’s also a time to remember the message from the Bhagavad Gita of not being attached to the fruits your labour, whether that be a job, a relationship, or whatever. Let go of expectation. Let go of attachment to outcome. I assure you, life is a lot easier to navigate when you do this. Then you’re not holding yourself up to unrealistic expectations and targets, or giving yourself a hard time because of not getting what you want or feel you deserve, and buying into that whole ridiculous notion that there’s something wrong with you. There isn’t. Its just about re-aligning and, of course, going within. You’ll never find what you’re looking for outside of yourself. Never.

Anyway, I’m writing this while simultaneously making pancakes, sorting a packed lunch and knowing that I have a cat awaiting his breakfast, so I shall leave you to it, knowing that you are not alone, that we are individually and therefore collectively going through a period of big change…its needed, embrace it all. Grieving, let go, and find the joy…and follow your joy too…big heart dive.

I’ll leave you with these heartening words:

“In the time of the Seventh Fire, a New People would emerge. They would retrace their steps to find the wisdom that was left by the side of the trail long ago. Their steps would take them to the elders, who they would ask to guide them on their journey. If the New People remain strong in their quest, the sacred drum will again sound its voice. There will be an awakening of the people, and the sacred fire will again be lit. At this time, the light-skinned race will be given a choice between two roads. One road is the road of greed and technology without wisdom or respect for life. This road represents a rush to destruction. The other road is spirituality, a slower path that includes respect for all living things. If we choose the spiritual path, we can light yet another fire, an Eight Fire, and begin an extended period of Peace and healthy growth. “
Grandfather William Commanda, Circle of All Nations Prophecy of the Seven Fires of the Anishnabe, From Ancient Wampum Belt

Love Emma x

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