A little pilgrimage
Up the Tor!
I have just returned from a little pilgrimage to Glastonbury to feel into the energy on 8 May, which is St Michael’s day, where the sun rises along the St Michael ley line, and is intertwined with the Mary ley line in Chalice Wells and up the Tor. This is alchemy, the sacred marriage, all that May represents with its potent energy, full of potential and union. It was raining so I didn’t make sunrise, but I did get to feel into the energy which certainly made me feel very energised.
The north-easter circle
My stone friend and I headed out to Stanton Drew through the fog and the rain. This is an amazing place. I have been here a few times now but this time I got to properly feel it, using my dowsing rods to trace the energy flow and I found quartz in the rocks that I hadn’t realised was there previously, this interspersed within the sandstone, breccia and limestone.
The site consists of three stone circles, two avenues and an associated group of stones referred to as the Cove. Then main circle is 113 metres and a true circle too, the second largest in England after Avebury. It is thought that there were originally between thirty to forty stones of which twenty seven now remain, with only a handful left actually standing. Something happened here, someone didn’t want the stones standing.
The north-eastern circle is only 30 metres and slightly elliptical and contains eight stones, of which only four remain actually standing tall. There’s two avenues here, one into this north-eastern circle and another into the main circle. This was the first time I got to dowse the energy of the circles and enter them properly, waiting until they opened up to me, so I could feel their differing energy. It was really interesting how the shape affects the energy and the way it flows, and what it might therefore do.
There’s a south-western circle too, a true circle of eleven fallen stones of a possible original dozen stones. I really like this littler circle, it has a very calm ad loving energy to it, but then they’re all lovely in their own way! The Cove sits by the church and as I was by then absolutely drenched through thanks to the rather persistent rain, I only briefly stopped to touch the stones, no dowsing!
Glastonbury from the Tor
I made the most of the time in Glastonbury, to get in the spring a couple of times and visit Chalice Wells. I discovered some vegan cafes I didn’t know were there previously. I had a good browse through the crystals shops too, I’m very drawn to working with crystals currently and invested in a number of these that you may benefit from if you happen to come for a treatment here in my healing space.
I also bought a rather large crystal singing bowl, which I am very excited about! Crystal singing bowls were my first introduction to sound healing back in 2005 and I was utterly blown away by the experience, which I have never had the chance to enjoy since. Some of you may get to enjoy this new bowl too - it certainly has an amazing sound to it!
Corfe castle
We headed down to Corfe castle on our last day, having walked the Tor only hours earlier and I was reminded of the similarity. The mounds are very similar in feel and potency and there is something about the remains of Corfe Castle which evoke a certain feel to the place, it looks stunning as you approach. There was a peregrine falcon nesting up in one of the towers, disturbed by a noise and swooping around above, quite a magical experience all in all.
Remp stone circle
The magic continued as we found Remp stone circle out in a forest not far from Corfe. It was fun trying to match the discarded stones with their original placing, and work out how it might have looked when it was standing properly. It’s a beautiful site in amongst the trees with the bluebells and pink campion adding to its beauty. We had the place to our self as dusk approached, and were able to enjoy the forest bathing!
The circle in the forest!
Back now on Guernsey, the plants are coming on well and everything feels vibrant and alive. There’s still a few places on next week’s yoni yoga class if any of you fancy it, I might bring my new bowl along…please book here https://www.beinspiredby.co.uk/events-calendar/yoni-yoga/16-05-23
Love Emma x