Happy new moon!

I went and lay on the fairy ring last night after dusk, Venus shining brightly, the oyster catchers in full song and the odd sea gull flying home. I was curious to dowse the energy flow and enjoy the peace of being out there on my own on the dark moon.

For a while it was peaceful, just me and the birds and the stars and of course the fairies, and then the International Space Station appeared, and flew straight over and the planes started up, high in the sky, passing over Guernsey, and I was soon aware of the light from the Hanois and I thought what a crazy world it is that we can never escape modernity and all it’s intrusion.

That is, until I walked up through the woods and here by the well shimmering in the darkness, I found the solitude I was seeking, nestled and hidden amongst the undergrowth and the trees, and could take the exhale I had been longing to take all day, to settle into the silence and feel the energy of the dark moon and what it was trying to bring in.

It’s been an interesting moon cycle, I’ve listened to many of you as you process the eclipse and the changes it has been trying to make, to align us again and again to live more simply, more lightly with greater respect for our heart and soul and the heart and soul of the planet and indeed the universe.

I am told that the new moon today ushers in significant new beginnings, but I hear this every new moon. The new beginnings will come in, I’m quite sure of that, as we continue to let go of whatever gets in the way of us realising more of our true self. It’s when we make these changes internally, towards greater self-love, peace and acceptance that the outer world changes to accommodate the perspective shift.

So if you can maybe find the time to rest into yourself, enter the undergrowth, see what lies in the darkness, connecting with that deeper part that knows…and trust in whatever comes through…noticing the self sabotage and the obstacles that you put in your path by the thoughts you think and by caring too much about the thoughts other people think, of stumbling up against yourself, and realise it’s all a big illusion to keep you small, and step beyond that and notice how nature allows itself to be all it can be, in all its wonderful and magnificent beauty - try telling an oyster catcher that its too much, too noisy, too vibrant, or a pink campion to stop being so pink and bright and uplifting…be all that you are and enjoy the ride!

A new cycle begins today, be conscious of the choices you make as you create your own reality…like the oyster catchers, just being who you are…and settling into the unknown and uncertain without having to control things…let it all be, the blending, the ancient and modernity, the space station and the fairies, all of it…

Here’s what Rebekah has to say…https://mailchi.mp/rebekahshaman.com/taurusnewmoon2023?e=eae0fe6be6

Love Emma x


Sark: An Island Paradise


Freedom is...