Is your Pitta out of balance?

The Pitta dosha consists of the fire and water elements. It is responsible for digestion, metabolism, and energy production.

Tell me about Pitta people

Predominantly Pitta people are likely to be passionate, fiery, intense and goal orientated. Their body will likely be of moderate weight and height, with good flexibility, muscle strength and athletic ability. In theory, a Pitta person has a lustrous complexion, perfect digestion, abundant energy and good daily routines established.

Pitta dominated individuals have a strong intellect (often in the gifted/talented areas of learning) and have good concentration skills. Thus, Pitta types make excellent academics, scientist, leaders, entrepreneurs and pioneers. Good decision-making, rational processes with the ability to lead and teach are all therefore qualities of Pitta dominance.

When out of balance, you might find the Pitta person is outspoken, bossy, controlling and/or domineering. Pitta imbalance can also lead to someone becoming judgemental, jealous, impatient and angry. The excess heat in the mind can cause a Pitta person to be in constant conflict within their relationships, and find it hard to see another's point of view – this can create a rigid outlook on life and lead to controlling and paranoid behaviour.

What aggravates Pitta?

The Pitta dosha is aggravated by excessive amounts of the pungent/chilli, sour and salty tastes. It is also aggravated by excessive use of alcohol and caffeine. Furthermore, irregular daily routines i.e. shift work, and excess exposure to hot environments (including the sun) will disturb Pitta.

Pitta is also disturbed by doing things to excess, such as eating excessive amounts of red meat, red fish,oily and heavy foods, leafy greens, raw vegetables, meat from wild animals, vinegars, mustard and fermented sauces and pickles, chilli and turmeric, root vegetables and raw vegetables. It can also be disturbed by excessive consumption of hot drinks (hot in temperature and in quality such as caffeine, mint and green teas.

Furthermore an overly luxurious and hedonistic lifestyle can disturb Pitta, as well as sleeping all day, eating meals too frequently or too many meals in a day and/or eating while feeling angry, hatred or frustration.

When experiencing a Pitta imbalance, people will crave cooling foods, a cooling environment and cooler clothing. They might experience excess salivation, excess thirst and hunger, burning sensations in the body, and general excessive body heat and/or sweat.

What conditions indicate a Pitta imbalance?

Excess Pitta may manifest as skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, cellulitis, and/or fungal or bacterial infections.

Furthermore, when Pitta is in excess, a person is more likely to suffer from hyper acidity, heartburn, ulcers, IBS, bleeding conditions, menstrual or hormonal imbalances, UTIs, migraines, mouth ulcers, hot flushes, disorders of the mind such as depression, schizophrenia and destructive/violent behaviour, or eye conditions such as conjunctivitis.

Also, Pitta is connected to any form of inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis or an acute injury like a sprain.

How can you tell you have a Pitta imbalance?

An increase in body temperature, craving for certain foods, irritation of the eyes, excessive sweating, increase in desire, hyperactivity, quick temper, anger and frustration, night sweats, nightmares, excessive desire for luxury lifestyle and fear of loss of such lifestyle, being excessively goal orientated, feeling of dissatisfaction and depression., excessive self-criticism and judgement, desire for excessive control of food, activity and desire, being increasingly impatient and intolerant, also erring towards rigidity in mind and being very self-righteous.

General guidelines for balancing Pitta

 Balance work, rest and play: A Pitta person will tend to overwork and overdo and therefore struggle to place importance on rest and recovery. This must be made a priority, if only for a few moments a day.  Yoga Nidra can be really helpful in this regard.

Pitta people define the word “hangry” and will become agitated very easily digestively and within the mind too, if not eating regularly enough (every 2-3 hours is ideal).

Spending regular time in nature can be extremely helpful. The natural environment (especially around trees, running water and mountains etc.) cools and softens the Pitta character and is the ideal space for rebalancing the Pitta elements in the body.

Gentle walking, swimming and yoga can be ideal.

Being out in the full moon and embracing cool breezes will calm a Pitta dominated person.

Pitta types need more sweet, bitter and astringent tastes added into the diet and have foods that are moist and easily digestible.  Foods which have a sweet taste and cold potency) which doesn’t mean they are cold to eat - avoid raw and cold foods. Sweet and wholesome soups and stews are ideal, rice, pulses, sweet fruits, coconut, white fish and chicken.

Encourage a good laugh and a lightness to life. This will help the pitta person now take themselves and their purpose too seriously.

Spending time with friends who are not controlling and small children, family etc.

Pitta dominated people tend to favour clothes that are dominant in blues, greens and silver, which will help them stay cool and soothe their energy field.

 Aromatherapy oils such as sandalwood, rose, jasmine, mint, lavender, fennel, and chamomile are all great for pacifying Pitta.

 Holding pearls, Rose Quartz, Moonstone and Amethyst can help too.

 Is there anything else I can do?

You can book in for a session with me and we can look at your diet and lifestyle together to see what might need tweaking. There are medicinal herbs which you can take, which will help to restore balance, especially for women subjected to the hot flushes of peri-menopause and those who are currently experiencing infertility. But really, the herbs can help with all disorders, just trying to bring a balance to the digestive fire will help. Please email me at for more information.

Love Emma x


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