Posts in Women & Womb Talk
Menstruation...blood on the mat!

It's funny, I'd never thought of it like that, but a friend was saying how menstruation is in the field. I got what she meant, only that I'd not come across this concept of the field before, and actually it made a lot of sense. 

I've been menstruating for a long old while now, since I was 13 years old in fact, but it's only in recent years that I've become conscious…

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Yoni eggs!

I'd never heard of a yoni egg until about three months after Eben's arrival in the world.  I was understandably a little ungrounded, as one tends to be after the birth of a baby, especially when said baby arrived six weeks early, and an intuitive healer suggested an obsidian yoni egg might both ground me and strengthen my pelvic floor…

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