Crown Chakra
Colour: Violet/White
Crystal: Clear quartz
Bija Seed Mantra: A silent Om
Sahasrara, like Ajna, is beyond the considerations of the body. It opens when all the other chakras are in balance.
This chakra represents knowing your true path and living your life accordingly. It is far removed from the root chakra’s will to survive. Some people describe the opening of the crown chakra as a surrender to divine will, or being as one with the universe. The ego withers and is replaced by a universal consciousness.
The crown chakra sees life entirely from a spiritual perspective. When it is closed or there is a block, there is a refusal to engage in, or even believe in, the spiritual. This complete denial can often lead to arrogance and materialism.
Related organs: Pineal gland, brain.
Where is the Crown Chakra?
The Crown Chakra is on top of the head – in newborn babies this spot is called the fontanel, or the soft spot. By opening yourself up to the spirit of creation, you learn your true purpose, you receive guidance on your spiritual path and you are able to recognise soul mates. Often you see the world through new eyes, viewing it with a sense of wonder that you last knew when you were a child.
It is located in the brain and is described in yogic texts as having a thousand and one petals. It is also in the area of the pineal gland, which produces and regulates some hormones including melatonin.
What does a balanced Crown Chakra look like?
Balanced attributes: Pure knowing, wisdom, grace, integration, oneness with all that is.
Because the crown chakra gives life meaning, your life generally takes a completely new direction when it is open, and that direction comes from having a (re)new sense of purpose: the purpose of life and of your soul. By honouring your true self, you love and honour the rest of creation.
By opening yourself up to the spirit of creation, you learn your true purpose, you receive guidance on your spiritual path and you are able to recognise soul mates. Often you see the world through new eyes, viewing it with a sense of wonder that you last knew when you were a child.
You begin to understand that life is glorious just the way it is, that everybody is where they are at right now because – consciously or unconsciously – they chose to be there, in that very place, in that very position. Everything is perfect – it can’t be any other way.
This chakra sees through the delusions of the ego and views them and the rest of life with a certain detachment. It creates an inner calm that often draws others to you. With peaceful serenity others will be drawn to you in the midst of their own struggles and from this vantage point you may well be able to see the bigger picture for them and be able to support and guide them without getting emotionally involved.
You are deeply connected to the divine and you know that this is what physical life is all about, the cut and thrust, there are no accidents, if people wanted to lead different lives then they would be leading them, everyone is free to choose, only most people don’t know it. Whether we recognize it or not, we all yearn for oneness with the divine and, through the crown chakra, we may sometimes make that ultimate connection.
What does an unbalanced Crown Chakra look like?
Examples of possible chakra deficiency or excess: Fanatical religious beliefs, forgetfulness, dark night of the soul, Schizophrenia.
The crown Chakra sees life entirely from a spiritual perspective. When it is closed or there is a block, there is a refusal to engage in or even believe in the spiritual. This complete denial can often lead to arrogance and materialism.
An imbalance in the crown chakra can result in depression, migraine-type headaches, the inability to learn, sensitivity to light, sound and the environment, and extreme fatigue. Emotionally, you might have issues with self-knowledge and greater power, experience constant confusion, carry prejudices, have a fear of alienation, suffer with insomnia and have rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality.
How do I energise the Crown Chakra?
There are various things you can do to connect more fully with this centre
Wear white
Bring white flowers into your life
Hold/wear clear quartz
Listen to devotional music
Chant devotional mantra
Transcendental meditation
Yoga (headstand is said to assist)
Conscious breathing
Being in a spiritual environment like an ashram
Visiting dolmens and standing stones
Burning incense such as Nag Champa
Burning sage