PMS and period pain is our body’s way of trying to get our attention, to tell us that something is out of balance, we are holding onto some inner tension and pain, we have unresolved emotions sitting with us, more often than not around the reproductive organs and womb space. We are holding onto something that needs forgiving and letting go. It is a gift really, because both PMS and period pain as us to go deeper and listen into our womb wisdom.
What is no longer serving us in our life? What old resentment are we harboring? What has pained us in our lives that we haven’t yet truly come to terms with? Have we suffered termination, miscarriage, sexual abuse, and have we made peace with this or are we still holding into angst and anger and pain deep inside us? Are we living in touch with our feminine essence or have we denied this, trying to live in a linear and masculine fashion, always on the go, never allowing the waxing and waning of our cycle?
We offer these suggestions based on our own experience and understanding, but what works for one person doesn’t always work for the next. So please always work with your own intuition, keep checking in and doing what feels right for you on your path to better health.