Sacral Chakra
Colour: Orange
Crystal: Carnelian
Element: Water
Sense organ: Tongue
Bija seed mantra: Vam
The sacral chakra is orange, and balances the red of the physical energy with the yellow of the mental energy. It is known as Swadhisthana in Sanskrit, the chakra of procreation. It is situated in between the genitals, about two inches below the navel. This chakra is related to the element of water and is related to the sense organ of the tongue.
This chakra is the most feminine of the seven chakras. It is profoundly connected with fertility and is ruled by the moon, which pulls not only the seas and oceans, but also the waters within our own bodies.
The sacral chakra is the seat of creativity and is linked to taste in the broadest sense – our likes and dislikes. It is also the seat of our emotions and is closely linked to pleasure, attraction and, in particular, sexuality.
In essence, it is sexual expression – the most powerful and fundamental of our creative energies - that characterises the sacral chakra. It guides our sexual identity, our ability to bond with a partner and to take pleasure in our sexuality.
It is worth reflecting that the word ‘sacral’ comes from the same root as ‘sacred’. Sex is not meant to be a casual, meaningless event, but nor is it meant to induce guilt. Rather, with openness and empathy, it is something that brings great joy and pleasure – the lover meets the beloved on the physical plane.
Today though, sadly, sexual energy is misunderstood and abused. Many people no longer enjoy its spiritual significance and it is used to manipulate and control others, causing great harm.
If we are not using this energy internally, then we need to be expressing our sacral energy externally through writing, drawing, painting, singing, anything that encourages our creativity and encourages the energy to flow strongly and smoothly.
Related plexus and organs: Upper hypogastric plexus and ovaries and adrenal glands
Where is the Sacral Chakra?
This chakra is situated in the bowl of the pelvis, directly over the ovaries and testes. It governs the spleen, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder and all the bodily fluids. In order to find lightness and balance in this chakra we must seek to balance the pelvis.
What does a balanced Sacral Chakra look like?
Balanced attributes: Creative, adaptable, flexible, love and trust in self, responsibility for self, all emotions allowed, delight in pleasure and life’s gifts.
A balanced sacral chakra is characterised by physical fluidity and grace. People with a balanced sacral chakra tend to be friendly, open and trusting, in touch with their feelings and able to express them, willing to see the positive rather than the negative, and able to turn problems into challenges.
People with a balanced sacral chakra also feel able to take risks, they are in touch with their creativity, have no fear of commitment, are passionate about life, sexually confident and outgoing.
When in balance, it gives us profound sexual and emotional happiness, allowing for orgasm, the experience of completely letting go and allowing the mind and body to surrender to spirit. For many, orgasm is the closest they will come to true spiritual bliss.
What does an unbalanced Sacral Chakra look like?
Examples of possible chakra deficiency or excess: Feeling of separation, afraid of emotion, hold onto water/tears, low self-worth, creative blocks, compulsive behaviour, arrogance.
When this chakra is out of balance, nothing and no one is ever enough. Life has no constancy. We feel fragmented and volatile. Our desires dominate and oblige us to seek satisfaction through the senses – sex, food, material possessions, status. An out-of-balance sacral chakra brings about guilt, self-pity, manipulative behaviour and envy.
If the chakra is too open, we may forget our own needs and occupy so much with the needs of others that we end up feeling like a martyr. Lack of balance can also give rise to sexual/fertility problems, jealousy and obsession.
Physical imbalances may include sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems including kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic and lower back pain. Emotional imbalances include an inability to commit to relationships, failure to express emotions, fears of impotence and betrayal and addictions.
How can I energise my Sacral Chakra?
There are a few practical things we can do to help to energise and balance this area including:
Wearing orange
Movement, this area of the body loves movement, so get moving!
Yoni yoga is a blessing for this chakra, getting in touch with your inner goddess
Connecting with the moon and noticing how her cycles affect how you feel
Connecting with your menstrual cycle if you are menstruating, or your cycles post-menopausal (‘Code Red’ by Lisa Lister is a helpful read, also anything by Alexandra Pope, Dr Christiane Northrup and Uma Dinsmore-Tuli);
Ayurveda, especially if you are experiencing sexual, menstrual, fertility or menopausal issues
Journaling as a way of expressing your feelings and emotions
Water, bathing in water, with some essential oils, particularly ylang ylang and neroli
Massaging this area of the body, using oils, coconut oil or another carrier oil, perhaps using essential oils (patch test first)
Sage, burn sage to cleanse your energy
Holding, wearing or putting carnelian in your pocket can also help
Dipping in the White Spring at Glastonbury and visiting any ancient sites of the Goddess
Prioritising time to do what you enjoy doing – those things you feel passionate about
Honouring your body and this area of the body especially – seeing the sacred in it, not giving it away
Taking steps to address any sexual abuse or trauma