Anahata - The Heart Chakra


This chakra is the spiritual centre of the ‘column’ of seven chakras, below it the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras represent the personal and the physical.  Above it, the throat, brow and crown chakras represent the spiritual and universal.  The heart chakra provides the vital link for the whole.

Called ‘Anahata’ in Sanskrit, this chakra is situated in the heart region  and hence is known as the heart chakra. It is the chakra of devotion, love and trust. It is said that if you look into the heart chakra there is a small window and if you enter there, you will see a staircase that will lead you up to the throat chakra or Vishudda.

The heart chakra is associated with love and compassion, not just love for yourself and others, but a love for the divine (in whatever guise) and all of creation. The hands, in particular, are closely associated with the heart chakra, and a kind touch is an outward sign of love, compassion and forgiveness that typify this chakra when it is in an open and balanced state.  

The heart chakra is also a seat of creativity.  A blocked heart chakra results in creative blocks, while an open one leaves you open to inspiration. However, the heart chakra can be too open.  You can pour out so much heart energy in your desire to help others that you can have none left for yourself. 

When your heart chakra is out of balance, you may lack confidence and be unable to let go of your fears.  You might also love to the point of suffocation and be filled with feelings of jealousy, abandonment, anger and bitterness. You might also have a fear of loneliness and suffer with issues of the heart.

Physically you might suffer with asthma, lung disease, heart disease, have issues with the breasts (e.g. cysts, cancer), issues in the lymphatic system and problems with the upper back, shoulders, arm pain and wrist pain. 

However, when your heart chakra is balanced, you feel energised and have the strength to fulfil your hopes and dreams, and to give and receive unconditional love.  You also feel joy and gratitude, forgiveness flows freely and you have greater trust. 

The key, as ever, is balance.  The heart, in common with all the chakras, needs to have its own flexibility, the ability to open and close as necessary.  This is particularly important in the heart, as it is the chakra of change, giving us the confidence to fulfil our hopes, make a break with the past and embrace the future.

Opening up the heart chakra can feel scary at times, as if you are wide open to attack – and indeed you can be – for a little while.  But soon you will feel the benefit as you will have all this loving energy that you need to share, care and relate to others, so that you are touching people with your heart, and when you do you’ll notice that people become spontaneously drawn to you – chatting at shops, strangers wanting to talk to you, animals coming over for a stroke.

While challenges may still present themselves in your life, rather than just reacting, you may now be able to respond by standing back and handling the situation with love so the outcome will be for everyone’s highest good.  You will feel more in tune with the other person’s heart and you will know just what to do...and trust in yourself.

The heart charka doesn’t occupy the same position as the physical heart, it is more central, in your chest cavity. Hormonally, the heart chakra is associated with the thymus gland, which is part of the lymphatic system, which in turn is central to the immune system.  A blocked or poorly functioning heart chakra can lead to a weakened immune system, stress-related disorders and problems involving the lungs and respiratory system.

There are various things you can do to connect more fully with this chakra:

·       Yoga!

·       Go for a walk in nature and see all the greens – the grass, the trees, the plants, the hills, really ‘see’ nature;

·       Lie on the grass;

·       Grow plants and fresh herbs;

·       Wear green;

·       Surround yourself with rose quartz! Rose quartz is just amazing, it will truly support the heart. Also green aventurine and jade can be helpful;

·       Doing things that bring you joy;

·       Laughing – having fun with friends and family;

·       Receive and/or give Reiki;

·       Let go of people, situations, events, jobs etc that are not aligned with your heart;

·       Forgiving yourself and others

·       Developing self-compassion through forgiveness, a growth mind-set and treating yourself as you would your best friend – letting go of the inner critic;

·       Singing along to devotional songs;

·       Ayurveda.

Colour: Green

Element: Air

Sense organ: Skin

Yantra: Yam

Bija seed Mantra: Twelve petals of a deep red colour

Related plexus and organs: Cardiopulmonary plexus, thymus gland and heart

Balanced attributes: Unconditional love, compassion, self-love/compassion, unity.

Examples of possible chakra deficiency or excess: sentimentality, selfishness, anxiety, jealousy.