Back into the heart

Today I feel as if I have come back to life and popped into the heart again.

I have emailed three deputies (two of whom responded almost immediately, thank you ladies) and the general States of Guernsey address because enough is enough. We have two active cases of Covid on the Island, and I cannot help thinking that we need to move forward now - the line between protecting the vulnerable and creating greater vulnerability (mentally and economically especially) has been passed…action is required.

Also, quite frankly, I want to be able to teach yoga again and touch people and give them Reiki. This last two days I have bumped into a lady with cancer and been contacted by a friend going through a hard time, been told about a student who needs some healing, and a handful of other students who are suffering, and I cannot do a thing about it. Yes, sure, they can attend Zoom classes, and I can send them distance Reiki, but it is not the same. The weather is beautiful and we should be out there praising yoga in nature. That will be far better for all of us, then this social distancing and bubble malarkey.

On a positive note, I have a new date for the Glastonbury retreat in 2021, which I will share with those due to attend before sharing publicly, but if you are feeling the call then keep an eye out. I start the series of lectures on the Goddess with a High Priestess in Glastonbury tomorrow and I cannot wait. She is calling!

On another positive note, the medicinal herbs are growing well (aside from the liquorice, which is being tricky!), some of our trees less well, but on the whole doing OK, and I have been having a fab time with the boys playing in teh garden. So every cloud does indeed bring a silver lining. But I am ready to get teaching properly again…pretty please dear angels, if you could help with that, I’d be most grateful!

Love to you all.