Happy full moon lunar eclipse!

Happy full moon lunar eclipse!

I’ve been lucky enough to spend the weekend on Sark running another magical yoga & wellbeing retreat. A huge thank you to all you beautiful attendees who helped to make the weekend so special for me. This was helped no doubt by the amazing weather and the moon waxing, which brought with it some tremendous energy. The only trouble with this, was Eben’s inability to sleep, he’s a real moon boy and gets affected easily by her energy.

Regardless, I managed to get out on the Friday night and enjoy the moonlight. I have my favourite sacred spots that I like to visit, it feels a little like coming home, and allows me the time to just be on my own, in nature, and centre myself ahead of the weekend. I was spoilt as always and the land held well, thank you sacred Sark for being as magical as ever.

The weekend brought with it lessons on all levels, not simply on the yoga mat but in the form of WIFI, or lack of access to it. I am thoroughly enjoying no longer having a smart phone, it is really liberating to no longer be beholden to technology to the extent that I was previously, and to not be able to get online when out and about, creating better boundaries around working hours and reducing my stress levels. As texting is so painful on the Nokia, I am now only doing this when absolutely essential, and it has made me realise how much time was spent messaging for the sake of messaging.

I have been debating the merits of switching off the WIFI, so that there are WIFI times, opposed to it being available all the time, this to reduce my family’s exposure to this microwave frequency. From what I gather, repeated WIFI studies have shown that WiFI causes oxidative stress as ell as cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes and calcium overload. It can also disturb energy levels and sleep patterns. I’m curious to explore how different we might feel, and how our family dynamics may positively change by switching away from continuous WIFI.

Our weekend on Sark without WIFI showed that life did indeed continue. I can’t say that we slept any better, because we absolutely didn’t, the moon was very bright and the sunrise is starting earlier every day, but I did enjoy the fact that I couldn’t get online, so couldn’t check emails, and the boys weren’t inclined to use their iPads quite so much, and there was much less fighting too. This will be my next work in progress and I will share with you how we get along if you too are also considering turning off from time to time.

Elijah and I spent Sunday afternoon with our Sark friends, Estelle and Robin, going to a part of Sark we had not visited previously, playing with dowsing rods and having a much needed catch up. I love Estelle and Robin and I love being on Sark so all in all it was a very special way to end the weekend. Elijah and I travel well together, and we enjoyed the gentle end with a swim in Le Creux harbour, which I always feel is like a big crystal grid, another special place on planet Earth!

Back here on Guernsey, I managed to get up in the night to see the moon as it was eclipsing and then met my soul friend, Chris, out at one of our sacred sites for the actual eclipse about 4.30am. We couldn’t see the moon by then, due to the cloudy skies, but we got to sit together and imbue it’s energy anyway, the sun rising the other side, albeit that was only partially visible. Still, it was all rather magical and special, which seems to be my words of this blog and I am very grateful to the powers that be for all of this.

The moon has now peaked and I do believe I felt the release. It has been a potent time between eclipses, lots has shifted and it really does feel as if a new world is being ushered in. I did read about soul contracts coming to an end so that new ones can begin and I do feel an alignment to this. None of it is ever negative and this perspective helps enormously, that all things must die at some point, and be re-born again, including aspects of ourselves, as we delve deeper in, discarding what now needs to be let go and allowing greater alignment in the process.

There will no doubt be some after shock of the eclipse, a bubbling through our lives of what does indeed need to shift and hasn’t yet. Eclipses have this wonderful way of making changes for us, if we haven’t managed to make them ourselves, not that this is necessarily easy in the moment, but a necessary process nonetheless. I’m curious to see what happens next, not least in my own life but collectively.

I have noticed that there has been behaviour changes since Covid started to ease (at least as the media stoped being so obsessed about reporting on it) there has been a dissipation in spiritual connection. Whether this is also a reflection of a change in season remains to be seen, but I know I am not the only one who has felt this energy shifting - Covid seemed to encourage people to dig deeper and be curious about their spirituality, and now that the fear has eased, there is perhaps less need for the collective holding that spiritual groups and practices provided. Let’s see!

For now I am happy to enjoy all that this season gives, all this light and abundance and the beauty of nature, let alone the warmer weather. Katie and I are hoping to optimise this with some impromptu Kirtan sessions on the beach around a fire, and I am also running a 5-week Yoni Yoga course to help support any of you women who would like to delve deeper into your self and connect more fully with the innate wisdom of your womb space and the inner guidance of your heart - this will incorporate various Tantric practices, which will help with ongoing healing and also support spiritual and personal development, increasing consciousness and inner joy/pleasure in the process. See the website for more details.

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