The post-eclipse rumblings

Well, here we are, a few days now after the lunar eclipse and on the waning moon and there are some intense energies filtering through. It feels to me that we are all being really encouraged to let go now, of what has been. A soul contract has ended. We should have learned all we needed from that contract and it is time to take on a new one.

This means letting go of all that has been, including our attachment to our wounding, and letting down our defence patterning to open to greater vulnerability, self-compassion and kindness - ultimately bringing greater depth and meaning into our lives. There is a deep grieving which is accompanying this letting go, and a deep tiredness and weariness too. We are collectively tired and weary of all the bullshit and of being continuously encouraged to live in a way that negates our own nature, and nature generally.

Underneath the tiredness and the weariness is a deep anger. A roar. A scream. Something which does need to come out. We are tired of being told how we should be, how we should live, of always selling out on something deeper inside us and outside of us too, of needing to keep up with technology because this is our future, of materalism, commercialism, conventional and limiting thinking. If you’re reading this, the chances are you’ve had enough. But where to go now?

Well the same place we have been going for eons and should be going again, deep inwards. It’s going to be an interesting ride these next 5 weeks or so until the summer solstice. The light is ramping up. We can’t keep ignoring that inner voice inside us that is desperate to change the story, to go on a new journey, to live a different way, to throw caution to the wind and step beyond mainstream. This is the new soul contract. This is about something more than us individually, it’s not even about the collective, it’s about Mother Earth and nature.

I didn’t realise it when I arranged it, because I just had a feeling I wanted to share more of Yoni Yoga locally, because it is a Tantric practice and if there’s one thing the world needs now, women especially, it is Tantra, to raise consciousness and liberate the mind, body and soul, but it has been arranged at just the right time, to bring greater love and support to those of you who can attend, as we journey through the summer solstice. I’m very passionate about Yoni Yoga. It has changed my life immeasurably, bringing me back home to myself, to a deeper place inside, bringing greater feelings of pleasure and joy both in my body and in my life generally, it has liberated me from some of my own crappy conditioning and set me free in a way I never thought possible or previously imagined.

It has become increasingly clear to me that this is the time to follow our joy, to let go of our stories of wounding and victimhood and to each do our bit to become increasingly conscious of teh way we are living and the motivation for our actions. I have become increasingly aware how many continue to play out their need for control and power (the old paradigm, which I wish we could move on from now) in new age spiritualism. Perhaps its a process we all go through. We discover spirituality and can get very excited abut it, throwing ourselves into it, trying to convert all our friend and family to it, wanting to live, breathe and teach it share it, be it, enlightenment within a few years please.

But then sadly because it takes time to truly evolve, at least with any embodiment and grounding (to make it real and not just something we can intellectualise and talk about) we end up playing out our old patterns in it, so we still seek to control and gain power, just that we do it under the guise of ‘being spiritual’, which makes it all OK. We still want our followers and people to look up to us and see what a wonderful spiritual business we have created because we are oh so spiritual and look at our power and the way we can control ourselves to make things happen…

All ten while not yet realising that true spirituality is the exact opposite of this. It is letting it all go. Including our need to control and pop ourselves on a pedestal. We gradually retreat from the world. Our work becomes increasingly sacred and we don’t want to share it with everyone, certainly not those who in any way devalue it or abuse it. We are not seeking fame nor fortunate, we just have a passion for the practice and we are keen to share it.

I’m really keen to share Yoni Yoga. And lots of other things. But Yoni speaks to me the most now, because the yonis are talking. The yonis have had enough. The yonis seek greater freedom from the shame that has held them bondage for too many sad and long years now. The wild feminine wants too be free again, will, liberated and loved. You here me right? Great. Come along and join me, and if you can’t, well there’s the online Menstruation and Moon course to get you deeper into your truth and our Greater Authenticity worshop on the 29th too. Here’s the link for Yoni, limited spaces,

Other than that, be gentle, rest on Mother Earth and rest into yourself and above all else, be kind.

Love Emma x

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