Take a seat

It became clearer after working with clients this week that we are indeed being squeezed. It’s not an easy time and many are feeling completely exhausted and tired by all it. Unresolved patterns, especially those around insecurity, unforgiveness, distrust and betrayal, are coming up.

Eclipses change things. The ancients knew this. Many of the neolithic stone alignments were placed to be able to help the ancients know when an eclipse was coming. Eclipse interrupt the flow of the terrestrial magnetic current and this impacts us. The energetic shift bubbles on for a good while after the eclipse has taken place. The new moon has a similar effect so added to the ‘weight’ of the eclipse. It might well be a relief to make it to the full moon next week.

Not to say full moons are necessarily easy to navigate. They tend to highlight more of the shadows, the stuff we don’t want to look at. We can be really good at deceiving ourselves, of not seeing what is literally in front of our eyes, simply because it can be too painful to accept the reality of our reality - the fantasy in our heads seems easier and kinder even if it is just that, an imagining. Plus this next one is a super full moon, meaning its closer to the earth than usual so emotions may well be heightened.

The one thing that has become clearer to me though is this need always to determine more of the future, to make it somehow certain. You might think we should have already learned that lesson, in so much as the pandemic changed this perspective for us, we had only the moment, the future became increasingly uncertain and planning went out the window. But we are back in that zone again, of planning and making certain, and yet there is this little voice telling us not to get too carried away…all the media talk of Monkeypox illustrates this…

I’m not sure yet where i sit with all this, mainly because I haven’t yet done enough sitting with it! I did get out dowsing the other night though and that always helps me feel a little more connected, beyond the mundane of the 3D world. I finally got to visit the healing well opposite St Andrew’s church which I didn’t know was there. It’s funny how these things can be on our door step and we know no better!

But this is life ins’t it. There is a timing to everything. I have to remind myself of this when I get impatient and try to force things to happen. It’s not to say we can’t do that, only that it won’t feel as aligned as when we just allow life to unfold in its own pace. We are always reminded not to give up ourselves for the sake of it, but to enjoy the dance, and the movement between places - the uncertainty of it. Easier said than done and an ongoing awareness and deepening into faith, trust and positive perspective - Ishavara Pranidhana, which basically means surrender to a supreme being however you define ‘it’.

So if you are being squeezed, take note. Try not to collapse yourself into it but elevate the perspective, there are higher forces at work and this might be the time to literally take a seat (under a tree, on the beach, on sacred land, in a dolmen, be still) and let the universe carry on anon…no doubt you’re being re-aligned and all you have to do is to let go of trying to control the outcome. Having fun might help too!

The full moon will soon be upon us. I’d like to think it will make things clearer, the surprises that the eclipse brought in might well settle into something more sustainable, or maybe we just need to let go of that too…and see that the gift was in the shift in perspective, of opening us to greater potential…no doubt it’ll all become clearer in the next few days.

Happy Friday!

Love Emma x

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