Between moons

I don’t know what happened, but the new moon seemed to usher in a slightly turbulent and agitated energy. I mean, the universe has been ramping things up this year, lots of change, and the eclipse definitely brought in a huge shift, for me at least, and I am aware that the post-eclipse energy takes some time to settle, but nonetheless, it does feel that the previous new moon stirred things up a little.

There’s been a lot of air and fire it seems to me, lots of chatter and movement and lots of frustration and anger. I know I’m not the only one who has experienced an anger outburst seemingly coming from nowhere this last week. I haven’t had an anger outburst like that for a long time, not aimed at anyone, and always its a silly trigger, but I guess it helps to free up a lot of frustrated energy that was sitting somewhere inside me. Other have reported similar.

The ‘air’ in the air has resulted in children who did not stop chattering all bank holiday. In my own life I am aware of things still being very much ‘up in the air’. And emotions are running high. Or low. Or a bit of both. Up and down. There is a lack of consistency and stability. Even in the outer world, people are trying to get on with their lives, but things are not ‘back the way they were’ pre-pandemic. Look at all the flights being cancelled and the chaos this is causing for some, as they try to live old patterns of travel all over again. Escalating costs of living don’t help - food prices keep changing and keeping us on our toes…we are being asked to be more conscious of how we spend money and indeed earn it too.

For me that’s what this energy is highlighting - old patterns and the need for change. Old unhelpful and outdated patterns around guilt and trust especially, and how we value things in this world, for us to work through as the moon waxes in the sky. This next full moon is supposed to be ushering in a sense of fun and this does feel needed. It can get very serious on this healing and spiritually orientated path if we are not careful. The universe is no doubt having a laugh at us as we get stuck in our stories and outdated narratives and identifications.

I have been exploring some of these with Michelle Johansen through her systematic work and family constellations. It’s incredibly insightful and has helped me to recognise another theme which threads it’s way through things…that of the feminine and of the freedom that we women have been gifted in this lifetime, in comparison to how it may have been for those women down our ancestral line, since the time that the Goddess was rejected and patriarchy denied the feminine. Men have suffered the result of this too. I watched The Wickerman last week and this highlighted patriarchal and religious stifling.

Thank God to be living now and not then - even if I find myself moaning not the overwhelm that life for women now creates, because so much is expected of us and many of us crave more time simply in the home. This has been my orientation recently and I am grateful to work form home. Home is where the heart is they say and certainly a home needs the fire tending, of women being present to it and enjoying the space it provides. Lack of space is crushing for the soul and creativity especially and us women are creative beings. Trouble is, if we are always doing and rushing and giving, there is little time for spacious being.

There are many things to be grateful for - I have been reminded that there was a time when women like me and many of my students, clients and friends would have been killed for what we do, in healing and growing medicinal plants, for example. Its easy to forget that this distrust and guilt will run through the ancestral line, that we may be living our reality based on what happened to our previous family members, simply because of our DNA and the generational patterning that feeds its way up and down the line.

This has led me to reflect on medicinal plants and the way that we have commodified these, or made os many illegal and the harm this causes. Look at cannabis and its medicinal and spiritual use (this used in the right content btw, not sitting around doing bongs or smoking spliffs…) and how many lives are ruined here on Guernsey for small possession. But that’s a whole other story, and one I hope we will address as a society at some point. Anything we have a war on is only going to result in more pain and disharmony, when will we learn?

As always we have to come back to ourselves individually. The only way we can fix the outer is by addressing the inner. We know everything we need to know deep within us and the more we come back to ourselves the better for everyone. I was delighted to begin a new Yoni Yoga course on that basis yesterday, to join together with other women all keen to come back to themselves a little more and open to their innate knowing and wisdom.

Anyhow, I don’t know that I have any advice as such, but I have been reminded this week to live each moment as if it was our last and to truly look at those patterns that will be revealing themselves and to stand back and notice when we are entertaining victimhood and blame, as this is often when we need to notice more of ourselves, and take our power back again. Things are moving and that’s half the problem. My book, From Darkness Comes Light, is in its final typeset now and being reviewed by a couple of friends and family, soon to go through the next stage towards publication, watch this space. And we adjust as a family to our changes of consciously uncoupling I think they call it now, it’s a new way, and new ways need to find their way…

We did enjoy, the boys and I, a trip to Herm on Sunday. Yes we got to some stones, the Island is awash in them, it’s a sacred isle, but we also had fun on Shell beach. Oh how lucky we are to have Herm on our doorstep even if it has become a bit too much of a business for my liking, but this, sadly, is the way of the world…

Oh and Neptune is causing fogginess and confusion…so let that be…all will become clearer…

Enjoy the waxing energy.

Love xx

Emma DespresComment