I love retreating on Sark!

I am sure I say this every time, but that was an incredible Sark retreat! Not only were we blessed with the most amazing weather, but we were only a small and intimate group, which was really lovely, and, for the first time ever, I got to do a retreat totally on my own, without any family or friends.

I cannot tell you the sheer joy that comes with spending the first few hours of a day in silence - it felt like true gift, especially cycling to yoga early in the morning with the rising sun and the crystal clear autumnal air, and not a single other person around. I’m sure I have mentioned it before, I am inherently anti-social, I love peace, silence and space and I am really not good in groups unless I’m leading them. So Sark suits me well, the energy resonates on a deep level, and I am always invigorated and renewed by time spent there.

I believe the others were also positively affected by the time spent retreating this weekend. Everyone was really dedicated to the yoga, in circle in the island Hall, with a few lovely Sarkees joining us, and going deeper within. We were lucky on Sunday morning as Caragh taught the Qi Gong and Yoga fusion class outside on the lawn at the Island Hall, with the morning dew bringing the element of water to our Autumn infused practice the rising sun, waning moon also overhead and the earth under our feet. Thank you Caragh, a really special class.

I made the most of my freedom, enjoying a swim with one of my Guernsey swim friends, Jo, down at Dixcart on Saturday after brunch, it’s so magical walking through Dixcart Valley and not having to carry a child made a huge difference! Don’t get me wrong, I was delighted to see them on Sunday, but a whole few hours not having to think about anyone else but myself was a dream, and what these retreats are all about really - time for people to immerse in themselves and come home a little.

I spent the afternoon with my dear Sark friend, Estelle, and her beautiful daughter, Robin. We enjoyed a good chat down on Grand Greve, and a swim, always there has to be a swim! Oh and tea, always tea! And of course we passed Caragh’s chocolate place on the way, so there might have been some chocolate too. Mint tea and super dark chocolate are two of my favourite things, they combine perfectly!

I managed to get over to Little Sark that night too, I love being out in the dark and visiting dolmens and cists and Little Sark has such an incredible energy, it is another realm entirely and I was blessed with an owl, who flew over last time too, both times as I have been leaving the little isle. The highlight, other than the dolmen (obviously) was the night sky. My goodness, it was insanely amazing, with there being no moonlight, and I was lucky to catch a couple of shooting stars. Sark is such a fab spot for night time gazing, interesting to see all the lights on all the neighbouring lands and the boats out at sea, let alone the satellites and planes overhead - it’s a very busy world we live in.

And actually that’s the joy of Sark for me. I might still have kept myself busy, but the pace is different and the land holds us all so beautifully. Stocks too is an amazing spot to stay, in that valley with those trees and that energy, let alone the beautiful rooms and friendly staff and yummy vegetarian food - although I do believe meat and fish sneaked into the brunch menu without me realising! The only reason we attempt a vegetarian retreat is because it’s lighter energy, to compliment he lightening of energy of the classes and Sark experience. But whatever, I am sure the brunch was enjoyed by all, veggie or not!

We’ve another retreat coming up on Sark 14-16 October with a space or two now available due to a cancellation. We like to keep them more intimate these days. Our next one won’t be until the end of May and this will be a women only one, a Yoni Yoga one actually, for those who wish to go deeper. We’ll be releasing the details in a few weeks, numbers will be limited.

For now though change in the air with the equinox approaching this week. I am looking after two cats this week, with my parents and a good friend both away at the same time, so lots of moving around the west coast and trying to keep two cats happy! But also a wonderful opportunity to sleep…the enquiry into sleep has started.

Enjoy the waning moon and equinox energy approaching, life changing, for now though everything still up in the air, albeit I’m grateful to Sark for helping to ground me and replenish me ahead of the shift and to those students who gave so beautifully of themselves on the weekend. It really highlighted to me this weekend how important it is to prioritise time for ourselves and take a break from the children if we can - I’ve certainly got more energy for them now and I feel decidedly calmer too…let’s see how long that lasts!

A big thank you to Jo and Al for sharing their photos with me as I didn’t take a single one! These sum up the weekend perfectly, thank you ladies.

Love Emma x

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