Just being as we are

Yes, it’s true, there is a reflectiveness in the air today, a certain melancholy, a grieving for the past gone and an indifference almost to the future to come, a sort of in-between nothingness, another clearing.

There is much to be grateful for and we are reminded of this. So too the happy times been and the changes in our life since then that speak of new direction and new experiences, yet still there is a longing for more of what once was and is no longer possible because of age, or children, or separation, to a change in circumstance.

Separation has been coming up today too, the many ways we separate from our soul and our truth. How we get bogged down in this 3D reality and lose perspective of what’s really important from a higher perspective, from the higher self’s perspective at least, which talks in a language that cannot be spoken with others easily.

I wonder if this is what happens before change comes in, because I can’t yet be certain that change is coming, yet this new moon energy building, the waning down, seems to be encouraging it, as if everything is jumbled and uncertain, not yet known, ahead of the reality yet to come, which will bring with it the change we need, but have been thus far unable to make. Always the change is inside of ourselves, a letting go and surrendering so that the new can come in.

I realise I haven’t shared much of my garden this year, because of letting go of the need to achieve and to just be with it intuitively, reducing my stress levels enormously, no picking and drying and making of oils, tincture, balms and ointments. This year I wanted to grow for the love of growing, for the bees and the birds and the earth and the moon and the sun and the heavens and for everything in-between - and for my enjoyment of it! It’s gorgeous out there. I’ll take a photo if I remember.

It feels a little bit like this in life generally, when we begin to surrender more of our need for control and outcome, that everything shifts a little and we are not hunting for change, instead change finds us at just the right time. All we need to do is remain aware and take action when we know the time is right…stay open and in the heart.

The time feels like it might be coming.

If you’re riding this similar wave, I believe we’re being asked to go deeper still…inside ourselves, being more of who we are, like the flowers, just surrendering to whatever comes up and waiting until it does…

Enjoy this next stage of the journey!

Love Emma xxx


My moon garden - happy new moon!

