My moon garden - happy new moon!
The moon garden!
My moon garden is a source of much joy to me as I am sure your garden is a joy to you too - gardening is brilliant!. The moon garden is a few years in the growing now, and a couple of my medical plants ended their cycle last year so I experimented this year with planting a variety of medicinal and non-medicinal plants wherever space allowed, sort of intuitive, but more so about what was ready for planting when and the space available.
Mug wort!
I’ll probably do things differently next year. This year I wanted to plant Mugwort without realising that Mugwort grows easily and is very tall! So it is sadly blocking light to some of my other plants. Not that these other plants aren’t growing, only that they’re probably not growing as well as they might be if they received more light!
Still, I rather love the Mugwort. It has a long history of medicinal and magical use, and while it is more commonly known as a digestive stimulant and to support the female reproductive system, it was used for many centuries for its protective powers in warding off evil and combatting black witchcraft!
It is one of one herbs that was said to be sacred to anglo-saxon tribes, and it was known as the mother of all herbs. It’s a visionary plant that creates more lucid dreams and is seeing a revival. I’m just growing it for the love of it, albeit I might dry some of it for its protective qualities, you know, just in case…
My favourite medical plant is the wood betony with its purple flowers. I’ve grown more of this this year because it just feels lovely, energetically, and adds a certain something to the moon garden energy. This is considered one of the most important herbs of medical Britain, revered both for its medicinal uses and its association with the spiritual realm. It’s a talky plant and it makes me happy. It is renowned for easing tension headaches and the feeling of overwhelm, which is probably the reason I love it so much!
Wood Betony
The elecampane has grown again this year. This has beautiful yellow flowers which the bees love. It is respected as one of Europe’s strongest respiratory tonics helping to alleviate irritated and chesty coughs, but I shan’t harvest it and will leave it for the bees.
The bees also love the yellow flowers of St John’s Wort, which have returned again the year. It’s such a cheery flower, no wonder if helps with depression, I’ll be sad to lose them.
St John’s wort
They bees also love the purple hyssop flowers as well, you can try and find the bee nestled in the photo. Sadly but I don’t have as many as last year as they are slowly dying back, which is a shame as they have a lovely scent to them.
Hyssop and the bee!
I grew a whole heap of Echinacea last year but they didn’t come back again this year sadly. So I grew a whole lot more from seed but they won’t flower until next year, and actually they are taking time to settle, nestled within the moon garden and on an extra bed at the back.
Liquorice mint
I’ve got liquorice mint, valerian, oregano, thyme, marshmallow, mother’s wort and lovage on the go too.
Courgettes, Tulsi, peas, kale and spinach all nestled together!
From a veggie perspective, my broccoli didn't thrive, but I have had peas and spinach and the kale has been tasty. Courgettes, beans and aubergines are yet to come through. Down at my folks I have tons of carrots and leeks, kind of funny as the children don’t like either so E and I have a lot to eat! It’s been a funny year for the veg, funny year weather wise generally though.
More of the beautiful Wood Betony
Talking of the weather I smelt autumn yesterday, which was a bit of a shock given we haven’t really had our summer yet. I’m hopeful its coming back again. We’re off to Lihou this week for a proper get away and with luck the sun will shine.
Enjoy the Cancerian new moon and all this crazy energy has to offer in upgrading us! It’s been intense, not sure if that’s because of being Cancerian, but definitely there’s been a clear out ahead of this new cycle. Loved that one of the reiki attunements aligned with the mon by coincidence yesterday and grateful that calm has returned for this new cycle, let’s bring in peace ladies and gents, peace, peace, peace.
Love Emma x