Happy solstice!

I hung out with the moon last night, I love how it does the opposite of the sun, rises far in the south east in the summer, and hangs low in the sky, while the sun rises far north east on the solstice and hangs high in the sky.

I was in a dolmen too, and they have a habit of connecting us more deeply with the earth if we let them, magic portals to other worlds, we just have to have the energy to transition and our society does it’s best to keep our energy lower than it would have been for the ancients with all the external noise, and of course the internal noise too.

I am certainly not a conspiracy theorist but I can see how we are being continuously dumbed down and distracted so that we cannot hear the earth so clearly, or our inner voice, which always knows…

I found myself up with the birds this morning and heading out to the coast to watch the sunrise. It’s not technically the solstice, that’s tomorrow, but the sun is already at the standstill and I wanted to check an alignment. There’s something quite incredible about watching the sunrise, I danced with joy witnessing this huge ball of pink light rise into the sky. I remembered what it feels like to be truly alive.

This is the earth’s gift to us of course, if we can be quiet enough to listen, if we can find the solitude that this requires, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Interestingly I was able to witness the sun rise at exactly the spot that I witnessed the winter solstice set, just in the opposite direction. There is order in the cosmos, even if it might not feel like it at times.

I hope you enjoy the magic of the next few days, of the sun reaching its farthest rise to the north east, and the full moon following on Saturday, and all that she gifts.

As always we are reminded, that we know it all anyway, deep inside us, and all this practice and connection is just helping us to remember, to get out of our own way, be quiet and still and listen and witness.

Happy solstice!

Love Emma x

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