
We’re in a bit eclipse portal right now and I find myself reading another one of Christopher Wallis’ books, this time on the Recognition Sutras and I love what he writes here as it really helps:

{That is to say, Ksema is telling us] that to be completely self-aware is to be completely free. This is one of the most powerful teachings he has to offer us. We continually seek to experience freedom by manipulating our external circumstances; for example, most people believe if they don’t have money, they will be more free and independent. But what is it that depends on money for its continuance? Ksema tells us that freedom is an inner state that arises naturally once you know yourself completely. To know the whole of your real being is to know a freedom so limitless that it has to be directly experienced to be believed. The attainment of such self-awareness is made possible by clear and honest self-reflection.

The most common misunderstanding here is to think that this freedom is something individual or personal. In fact, we are talking about the innate autonomy of awareness, and that awareness is one and the same for all beings. When you access this divine freedom, you recognise that no one could ever limit your experience but you. You see all beings in yourself and yourself in all beings, so that this is not the sort of ‘freedom’ run which you try to take what you want at other’s expense, which in reality is not freedom at all but another kind of bondage”.

It’s an interesting enquiry:

  1. What is the connection between self-awareness and independent freedom?

2. Now think of a time when your self-understanding increased substantially. How did it result in greater independence and freedom?

3. And from the other side, think of a time when you experienced a breakthrough in your sense of independence. Was this perhaps linked to increased self-awareness?

It’s not easy becoming increasingly self-aware. Sometimes we have to look at the parts of us that we don’t like, that are trying to be in control and do all sorts of things to make it so. I don’t really enjoy looking at those parts in myself either, the parts that come from the ego, which are fed by my fears and insecurities. But alas this eclipse season is making us aware and encouraging and supporting us to identify the wounds we unconsciously hold on to that have potentially clouded our judgment about people, situations, events and ourselves. We may gain insights during this time, uncomfortable perhaps, but helpful.

Furthermore eclipses have a habit of really changing things. The earth, sun and moon come into alignment and can bring karmic endings, which allow us to begin again without being weighed down by anything in our past, including past lives. This might allow us a whole new way of relating as we examine our thoughts and behaviours and notice where we are sticking ourselves. Obviously we can’t know until we know. And this of course is the benefit of spiritual practice and of sitting.

Since the moment we were born we have tied together sounds we hear with the image that is in front of us. We know a flower is a flower because we have been told so and a whole heap of information comes to mind when we think of flower including memories, emotions and opinions. So it is with all words so that when we hear the name of an ex or someone who has harmed us, all this stuff comes to mind and we think/feel/.behave based on all this tying and this creates stress and can keep its trapped in the past.

Sitting and being with words as they arise, neutralising them, undoing our conditioning and programming is essentially what sets us free, so that we can hear the name of an ex or of someone who we feel has harmed us, and there is nothing there, it is just a name.

It feels to me that this eclipse portal is giving us the insight and power and bringing in karmic closures (events then) which are helping us to untie our words, to let go of the vibrational holding, clear our vision, and begin again, as if new born. It is really rather exciting!

It helps that the moon is doing it’s most southerly swing on the weekend, just after the equinox.

But for now there is that feeling of neither being here nor there. The weather is reflecting this, stuck in a cold pattern, bright, but cold, and on it goes.

Here’s something I read about the moon:

"The maximum southern lunar standstill for the entire 18.6 year cycle is upon us!

The waning half moon will be low in the south for northern hemisphere viewers, rising in darkness in the early morning before dawn of 22 March 2025 and setting a few hours later in daylight.

It will be high in the sky for southern hemisphere viewing, rising late in the evening on the 21st and setting many hours later in daylight on the 22nd.”

On another note, maybe it’s the shifting energy and my need to nestle closer to the Goddess, and her need t o make her presence more known in her life, and the greater cosmic forces at work, but I am reminded again to never say never as I have a real draw to share yoni yoga with you women again. Look out for updates on the yoni yoga offering, a charity class to raise funds for Bright Tights on Good Friday in the afternoon and a class to celebrate Beltane on Bank holiday Monday.

We have posted up our spring schedule of Sunday offerings now too, which I hope, hope, hope are aligned to truth and not my ego’s wishes because I got carried away wanting to share all the spiritual practices which have helped me enormously such as the sutras and Vedic chanting and pranayama and Yoga Nidra, but didn’t think to check if anyone else wanted this in their lives! Still, I am hopeful some of you will feel to join me and immerse in this energy as spring settles.

Other ideas are coming to mind, but will see how those form over the eclipse portal, but Glastonbury is now booked for April 2026, and a Master Attunement session is also arranged for September. There are some little changes!

Enjoy the moon and all she brings. I am off to Anglesey in Wales to immerse in the Welsh Neolithic landscape and nestle into all these energetic changes. See you on the other side, or maybe en route if I have time.

Keep well and keep diving into the shadows - may freedom keep coming.

Love Emma x


Following my heart by Geraldine Green - one of our Reiki students.


Choice and responsibility