Autumn came
I thought I didn’t want summer to end,
Until it crept back in again.
Then I longed for the crispness and light
Of autumn time, it was so bright
With its crinkling leaves and browning hue,
And fluffy clouds hanging in the sky.
I wondered how the caterpillar might know when
it should transform into a butterfly?
Or the deciduous trees, are they told too
When to let go of their summer leaves?
Perhaps there’s a whisper that now is the time.
Maybe there’s a spark, a certain sign.
Whatever it is it, it forgot to tell summer this year
Or perhaps summer held on
Rebelled, didn’t want to let go, savouring its moment,
One final show.
Is this what we do. Hold on, let go, hold on again,
Don’t know, wide open space.
It’s time now though, for the change that comes
When summer lets go of the sun.
Then the earth can breathe her sigh of relief
And settle into her deepest sleep,
And all around will follow her lead as if the magic
of rest has been cast, twinkling, over the fields
Will we rest too when autumn comes, shut down,
Close in, restore ourselves?
This morning light talks of autumn again, there’s
No going back now, we must let go into it.
A poem about Mother Earth and Love
Once upon a time
There was a beautiful planet
With bright blue skies
And bright blue seas
Tall crisp mountains and
A whole heap of deep green
Stunning rivers and the
Most awe inspiring
This was a world of joy
And magic and ancient wisdom.
Then man arrived and tried
To tame the planet.
He cluttered her skies and
Clogged her seas with plastic.
He conquered the mountains
Leaving his debris
And he stripped her bare
Of forest.
He manipulated
The rivers and lakes
As he tried to exert his control
On the beautiful planet.
Love is all the planet knows, and
She was keen for man to know love too.
She did what she could to get his attention
To make him recognise
The love and the beauty that
Lay within him; the mirror.
But it was too late by then.
He was already too distracted by
The idea of controlling things.
He needed to understand,
To dissect and to make sense.
He wanted to know so that he
Could better control.
The planet knows that man
Can never truly understand her
and know her as well as she knows
Herself. That she cannot be controlled.
That she is filled with magic and grace
And beauty that knows no boundaries,
That cannot be defined, collected,
Analysed. That cannot be controlled.
This is freedom and this is all she knows.
The freedom that comes with a life
Lived on love.
So she tries to show man what he is missing.
Her beauty and in springtime too,
When she is abundant in fertility, and all
Of her is awash with new beginnings,
Potent with energy and potential.
That she has a rhythm, and that if
Man allows himself to flow with her rhythm
That he too will be nourished and
energised, and spellbound.
That he will recognise that all this time
He has been seeking to control
What is actually inside himself;
The wildness that makes him feel alive
If he turns towards it rather than
Trying to control or deny it.
So the planet gently shows him,
Guides him, with love, for remember
This is all she knows.
To rewild the men and make them see
All that they have missed inside of
Themselves, in their quest to
Control all things, to make them feel
Safe and secure within the world
They live in, yet not appreciating
That they can never control
That which can never be truly known.
For one can never dissect nor analyse
Nor truly understand grace and ancient wisdom.
Just as intuition and the heart can never
Be truly known either, not really.
For the great mystery knows no boundaries,
It cannot be limited, nor defined in
Black and white, nor used to control or
Is has its own truth. And truth will
Always have a way of expressing itself, of finding a way
To be all it can be, for living its potential
Just as planet earth also lives her truth.
She will shake her very foundation to know
Herself over and over again
To drop deeper into her heart
And realise yet more of her potential
As part of the whole, of the vast inter-connected
Nature of the universe.
She awakens us in her shaking
To remember the fullness of who we are
And our own potential.
To remind us that we are simply
A reflection of her. That as we allow her to
Wild again, so we can wild ourselves
And be comfortable with the
Not knowing and appreciate instead
The sheer joy that comes with
Being with our true selves.
That all that cannot be known is the blessing
And the magic that
Makes us feel truly alive.
That love is enough and
Knows no bounds.
By Emma Després 2 April 2020
Wake up!
There are words I long
to say, to anyone
who might listen.
To awaken the
sleeping, heads buried
in a layer of
There are people
dying and children crying
and mothers
separated from
their young.
Do we pretend
it’s OK. Head down.
Get on. Someone
else’s problem.
Someone else’s
I’m pretty sick of it, if I’m honest,
of greed, and the desire for fame,
as if this demonstrates
the success of a human being.
Show me your soul
that’s all I want to see of you.
Naked. Honest.
Ditch the show, please,
for the sake of humanity.
This isn’t a game (get off
the screen, get outside. Breathe), this
is for real. They’re dying
while you’re lying with
your head in denial.
A poem by Emma Després