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Finding Your Voice Workshop

The throat chakra sits between the head and the heart. In Ayurveda we consider it the seat of expression, of where we purify our thoughts and feelings (the thyroid gland is considered the crying gland). Working with the throat chakra, we can help to bring up emotions that have not been allowed expression, freeing the heart, enabling better digestion, calming the mind and helping us to find our authentic voice – to hear and speak our truth – in the process.

The session will look a little like this:

9.30 - 10.45am - Yoga
Gentle yoga asana to release energy blocks and free the spine, weaving Brahmari breath (bumble bee breath), Bija mantra (mantra for each of the chakras) and “AUM”.

10:45 - 11:30pm – Kirtan
Devotional sanskrit chanting / singing to the sound of the harmonium, led by Katie. Kirtan energises the throat and heart chakra and facilities deep connection to ourselves and to the divine.

11:30 - 12pm Yoga Nidra
Deep guided relaxation/meditation, an opportunity for complete rest and introspection.

WHERE: St Martin’s Parish Hall

WHEN: Sunday 27 June 2021, 9:30am - 12pm

COST: £30, booking required

WHAT TO BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushions, drink - whatever you need to be comfortable.

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