Yoni yoga & pottery to re-write the story!
We tell ourselves all sorts of stories, about not being good enough, not being creative enough, not being arty enough, not being fun enough, not being playful enough, not being pretty enough, not being slim enough, not being breasted enough, not being attractive enough, not being spiritual enough, not being sexual enough, not being loveable enough, of just not being enough. And sometimes we even tell ourselves that we’re too much, so that we shrink ourselves.
It’s all just stories, stuff we’ve taken on from others and stuff we’ve told ourselves. And like all stories, we have the opportunity to change the narrative, to create a different beginning, middle and ending, to re-write the story of our life into something far more positive, creative, loving, compassionate, forgiving, transformative, pleasurable and enlightened. And what better way to begin 2023 then changing the narrative.
So please join us to create a new story, with a yoni yoga class where we’ll practice asana, breathe, rest, connect and then we’ll go have fun and a good laugh, making our own yoni and/or goddess together.
WHEN: Sunday 22nd January, 9:30am - 1:00pm
9:30 - 11am Yoni Yoga, 11:20-12:30/1pm Pottery at Iris & Dora (depending on how long it takes you to create)
WHERE: Cobo Community Centre and then down to Iris & Dora
COST: £35 including your yoni and/or goddess pottery and a vegan energy ball or two!
BRING: yoga mat, cushions, blanket, offering for the altar, drink, any snacks, journal etc.