DROP-IN | No booking required
When? Every Monday 6pm- 7pm
Where? St Martin’s Community Centre (upstairs)
Who? All levels of ability, age and fitness welcome
Teacher: Emma Després
Classes cost £12 per person or buy 5 tokens payable in advance for £55.
Please pay at the start of class with cash, or before the class by bank transfer. Please note mats and blankets can be borrowed.
Combining classical and Tantric practices, Emma’s approach to yoga is about creating greater freedom on all levels of being, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic.
This approach to yoga weaves together asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), mudra (hand gestures), yantra (visualisations) and mantra (sound)
Emma’s teachings have been influenced by the Scaravelli-inspired approach to practice, with its focus on freeing the spine and the mind in a mindful, loving and compassionate way, working with the body, not against it. In the moments of stillness, the soul reveals more itself.
Please note that yoga is a spiritual practice and thus to really experience the benefits one must commit to practising regularly!
For those new to the practice, please do not misunderstand or shy away from Tantra because you think it's about sexual practice. Tantra is so much more than this, a way of life that helps us to rise above world pleasures and deepen our connection with our inner energy and enduring contentment.
Tantra means to expand and liberate. It helps to free us from our self-imposed and worldly limitations, expanding our mindfulness and creating a deeper connection with the universe.
By its very nature it helps to also deepen our connection with our inner self so that there is more ease in our life, more flow, more creative potential, more goodness and more energy - more freedom then.