I was supposed to be celebrating midsummer at Stonehenge with my brother and his family who were meant to be visiting from Australia, as an early birthday present to myself. But alas that will have to wait for another year! I’d be delighted instead if all you ladies might join me so that we can create a circle of our own and celebrate the arrival of the longest day and the abundance of this time of year when everything is growing and glorious. At midsummer we also celebrate the fact that the outer world begins to the wane into the darkness again, so that the power of the inner world might expand. It’s one of my favourite times of the year and I’m excited to share yoni yoga with you, to tap into the midsummer energy and see what it might reveal to us, and honouring the goddess.
The solstice this year also coincides with a new moon solar eclipse, said to be the most potent eclipse of the year. It’s meant to bring a grand new birth and open a portal to a whole new dimension...a new dawn is awakening on the lightest day of the year. This is definitely a time to retreat in!
The session will begin with a yoga nidra and will then include gentle asana (postures), breath awareness, mudra (hand gestures), love and Reiki shared as much as possible!
Please bring a mat, blanket, your crystals, an offering for the goddess altar (if you feel drawn, sun as feather, crystal, flower etc that you take home with you afterwards) and an open heart.
No need to Book, drop-in, come join!
WHEN: Sunday 21 June 2020
WHERE: St Martins Parish Hall
TIME: 9.30-10.45am
WHO: the ladies!
WHAT TO BRING: Mat, blanket, crystals, offering for the alter if you wish
COST: £12 drop-in or usual voucher system applies, £7 students.