Full moon and the weaving together
I have a strong feeling that this moon is shining more light into each of our lives. I have a sense that spirit is weaving magical connections that are strengthening the web of light and creating greater unity consciousness…those who are awake are joining forces.
I feel hopeful in a way I haven’t for a while. I feel myself coming out, getting out, wanting to connect and re-connect in a way that I haven’t since we plunged into the chaos of government response to Covid. It needed to happen. There needed to be a HUGE shift. We needed to go to the darkness to look honestly at ourselves and how fear plays out and creates havoc in community. We needed all of the squeezing and twisting and turning, all the turmoil and anguish.
But the time is coming for us to learn our lessons and pop through the other side into a brighter world, that we can collectively create, from a place of heart, not fear. Not everyone is awake though and hence the ongoing division and separation. Even amongst those awake there are varying degrees, some come from heart, some still from fear, some are in their nature and some are still finding their way there. We are awash this new moon and onwards with opportunities to support our awakening.
There is a wave upon us, of synchronicity and coincidence, connecting us to those with whom we need to connect to further awaken. We have a task too, of helping to lay seeds for others, supporting their personal and spiritual growth and their healing. It is easy to get lost, it is easy to get confused, it is easy to give energy to the spiritual ego and to bypass and still avoid seeing the truth. But more and more people are SEEING through the illusion, their eyes and ears opened to what it happening around them and they are questioning and realising that there is more to them than they previously realised, that they have a SPIRITUAL body.
So in many aspects nothing needs to be done, but keep resting into our centre and let spirit flow through us, connecting us where necessary, paying attention to the synchronicity and coincidence and directing us to resources and people who will help to awaken us further and build on the light already pervading the world It feels to me that the light is flooding in with this full moon, so embrace all that comes your way, but with discernment, always there must be discernment, not falling for the red herring and not giving personal power away - don’t ignore or overlook coincidence or synchronicity though. Remember personal power comes from being centred in ourselves, a conduit, being in service, allowing the sacred, not from trying to control or manipulate, convert or bully.
If you have found your way here then this is a connection for you too. if not these words then something on this site that can support you, support us all really. Because this is the thing we must remember, that being in service to the self is essential, because it has a knock on effect on everyone around us - think of the butterfly. I found myself talking about this only this morning at a Vedic chant class. How us chanting, or giving Reiki, or practising yoga, has a knock on effect on everyone else around us.
Thus there is nothing self centred to making time for our own healing and personal and spiritual development, it helps to set others free the more we can free our tiny minds from all our unhelpful, restrictive and mental conditioning and beliefs. In fact it’s necessary, if we truly are going to tread the path of light and overcome the obstacles and challenges that are placed in our way, we need to go deep inside and this man making the time and giving ourselves space. Even those of us busy raising children, need to make the effort - the buck stops with us and we have to do this work to help our children - to create a new world that is worth them living, that allows them to live!
The universe is supporting us. Light always overcomes the dark. We have to maintain our trust in that, or cultivate greater trust to recognise that. In many respects half the battle when it comes to our spiritual journey, is learning to trust the universe and trust in ourself. Also, we have to learn to come from a place of love for self and others, cultivating greater compassion and finding the strength to forgive so that we may move on. In this too we will be supported - this is what I mean, we are each being guided to what we need to do the healing and transforming on a deeper level than we have been doing previously.
We will be CONNECTED, magic is at play. We just need to stay in a place of deep gratitude, appreciating all we have and resting into that. What needs to change will change, in that too w can cultivate trust, and faith, and feel hopeful for the future for the first time in two years. But this is not a going back, we must remember that. This is a totally NEW WAY of BEING and LIVING and RELATING in this world. There will always be some dark, to help us navigate our way to the light, but it really is time to recognise the real from the unreal, and the eternal nature of our soul. This is a time for the SOUL to shine brightly and take a more centred place in our life.
It’s a watery Cancerian moon, full of emotion, and thus bringing with it the opportunity for deep healing, releasing old wounds, past life too, I’ve certainty shed a lot of tears in the last few days, as this water quality comes through with the moon, helped by various practices I have been doing (thank you Jo SHEN!). It’s also bringing a dream-like quality to it, the watery element helping us to ‘download’ more easily, through our dreams and visioning. It is a time to dream a new dream after all, and in my own life I’m suddenly much clearer about the dream, but I know it will become clearer still as we approach the spring equinox.
We’re also being encouraged to stand on our own two feet and stand up for what we believe in, finding our voice and giving voice to what needs to be heard, as well as listening to what others try to say and what the universe is delivering. The watery element is playing into the sacral chakra as well, and we are being asked to really look at our relationship to our Self and our self-worth especially. We have to move on and let go now, listening very carefully to our inner narrative and our thoughts and catching those that in anyway harm us and cause our spirit to flag. We have to stop stabbing our own hearts and giving ourselves a hard time. Love! Love for self and for others is increasingly important, compassion and forgiveness too.
We might well be seeing positive changes in our boundaries and personal power, and we should congratulate ourselves for any progress made. We’ve worked hard and deserve some recognition of this, even if its just us acknowledging this. The dream like quality will be bringing through the clarity and the visions, so do pay attention to your dreams and what you see. Hopefully you’re faith is being restored and you feel lighter with the light of the full moon, maybe more playful too, or triggered, it’ll go one way or the other!
I’m looking forward to seeing some of you for the online FREE Reiki share at 7pm this evening, to enquire into what this full moon is bringing up for us individually, and settling into that. Always the moon has a personal message for us and a collective one too - we are the micro of the macro after all.
Happy full moon!
Love Emma x