Deepen your practice with intimate āsana sessions…
These Scaravelli-inspired Sunday sessions are a great way to delve deeper, receiving hands on guidance and personalised suggestions from Emma, helping to bring greater ease into the body, releasing habitual movement patterns, freeing your energy, encouraging healing, raising consciousness and allowing a more rested state of mind.
There are no more than six in each session, allowing intimacy and connection, laughter too.
Please remember there is no such thing as ‘advanced’ in yoga, which means these classes are accessible to all of you, regardless of your age or how long you have been practising - you simply turn up and go within.
You actually have an advantage if you have not been practising long, as you have not been conditioned to yoga habits, which we are trying to release!
Over time these sessions will help you to go of striving and perfectionist tendencies - helping you cultivate a stronger personal practice.
These popular classes cost £28 and run most Sundays at Cobo Community Centre. We have a few spots left in the next block which takes place:
30th March
6th April
20th April
27th April
4th May
18th May
25th May
1st June
8th June
15th June
Please note there are no refunds or exchanges available for these classes.