Emma is currently running 4 separate intimate study groups exploring the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
The next block is taking place:
27th April
18th May
8th June
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali was the first text written solely on the theory and practice of yoga, complied circa 2,000+ years ago the sage Patanjali in India, who codified and organised the knowledge and wisdom of yoga from much older traditions.
This text is as relevant now as it was then and the study and embodiment of the Yoga Sutras can provide much comfort and support in navigating the problems and challenges that we face today and in understanding more about yoga and the working of our mind especially.
These ‘threads’ (as ‘sutra’ translates from Sanskrit) of wisdom offer guidelines for living a meaningful and purposeful life. The true purpose of Patanjali’s work is to reduce and resolve suffering, as well as the opportunity to realise our true and highest potential.
Emma has studied the Sutras a number of times now and whilst she certainly isn’t an expert, she enjoys sharing what she has learned with others so that they may also benefit – there is great wisdom in this text and it can really help to provide some grounding to our spiritual practice and help us to better navigate our lives.
The sessions are friendly and informal, encouraging discussion and interaction as a means to understand the teachings. These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of your level of knowledge of the Sutras or experience of yoga. Ideal for those who wish to deepen their yoga practice and move it beyond the asana.
WHEN: Roughly once a month on a Sunday (60 mins)
WHERE: Cobo Community Centre
COST: £45 for the course, no refunds for missed classes but a recap will be given at the beginning of each class.
Please bring something comfortable to sit/lie on, chairs are also available.