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Pranayama course

  • Cobo Community Centre Le Guet GY5 7PN Guernsey (map)

We have to remember that without breath there is no life - it is the first thing we did when we arrived in this world and it will be the last.

Emma has significantly benefitted over the last twenty years from pranayama, not only helping to calm her mind and energise her, but in shifting her perspective to something much more positive, encouraging healing and transformation in the process. Emma would like to share this practice with you so that you may also benefit.

Taking place:

4th May

25th May

1st June

All are welcome from complete beginners to those more experienced. It is a friendly and informal affair.

Emma wishes to honour the tradition of the teaching, where students sit with the teacher in person, and are alert to the teachings, so there is a commitment to each session from both parties. This does mean that you must be comfortable sitting for forty five minutes, either on the floor or on a chair if required.

Together we will explore a variety of breathing exercises so that you can feel which works for you and maybe start incorporating this into your life. 

Pranayama is probably one of the most powerful yogic tools for not only freeing the breath and pacifying and containing the mind but for encouraging the flow of life energy throughout the body and therefore increasing vitality.

Furthermore it is the one constant in our life. However, daily stressors, tensions and habits can create physical and energetic obstacles in our bodies and affect our peace of mind. Without even realising it, our breathing can become gradually shallower or stilted and we can also develop unconscious breathing patterns which restrict the flow of breath and prana and cause a loss of wellness. 

The physical benefits may include decreasing stress levels, improving quality of sleep, increasing mindfulness, supporting healthy digestion and elimination, lowering blood pressure, improving lung function and supporting nervous function.

However, pranayama becomes a tool towards meditation and increasing levels of stillness.

WHEN: Sunday 4th May, 25th May, 1st June

WHERE: Cobo Community Centre (upstairs)

TIME: 9:30am - 10:15am

COST: £36

No refunds for missed classes.

Please bring something comfortable to sit/lie on, chairs are also available.

27 April

The Yoga Sutras