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Opening to self love course

  • St Martins Community Centre Guernsey (map)


“You have an inner light within you that is craving to be shared by those around you, by the world at large – but mostly by you. When you share your unique light, bit by bit, you light up the lives of those around you. And, one by one, you inspire them to light up too. It’s a chain reaction. And before long, the whole world lights up. Your light is contagious.”

Rebecca Campbell

A lack of love for the self is one of the greatest travesties of our age. I have lost count of the number of women who tell me how much they don’t feel good enough, how they struggle to love and appreciate themselves, how they feel uncomfortable in their own skin, how they loathe their bodies and how- essentially – they feel unlovable and unworthy.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

There is a lighter, more compassionate, joyful and loving way to relate to ourselves, which offers freedom from all of this negativity.

Really it is very easy. It all begins – the journey to greater self-love and appreciation - when we open to the possibility of it being different. When we are done with hearing our own self-depreciating thoughts over and over again, when we are tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what looks back at us, and when we realise that nothing will change unless WE do the changing.

This is when we begin to transform. When we take responsibility and take action in a more positive direction. When we work with our mind, not against it. When we open to our greater potential. When we begin to realise that we are the microscopic expression of precisely the same divine powers that create, maintain, and dissolve this whole universe.

I know all this because way back, I didn’t like myself very much either, to the extent that I was done with this liferand hearing my own self-depreciating and negative thoughts over and over again. This led to depression and anxiety and a desire to self-destruct – I wrote about this in my book From Darkness Comes Light.

Over time I have slowly learned to love and appreciate myself just as I am, feeling gratitude for my body as my vehicle for this life time, acknowledging my sensitivities and differences and celebrating them – opportuning them even - rather than trying to deny them in the pointless quest to fit in and be ‘normal’ (whatever that is).

I appreciate my own divinity and the sacredness of this life. I realise that the same beautiful and awesome powers that orchestrate the intricate and wondrous display of this whole creation, is flowing within each of us, creating us even as we create with them. We are the only ones who have ever limited our potential by getting in our own way.

We only get one chance at this life as we know it and it seems an awful waste of our time spending it unhappy and unfulfilled, buying into the illusion that we are broken and need fixing, allowing the inner critic to run wild, rejecting ourselves, giving ourselves and being our own worst enemy in the process.

I believe that the darkness is a birthing process and that, in order to find your light, first you need to venture through the shadows of your ego. I believe that in order to be a light in the world, you first need to come home to who you truly are and then bravely show it to all those around you.”

Rebecca Campbell

Ladies we can change this! All it takes is intent. And taking the first step. Then the rest will take care of itself.

“Every decision we make either takes us closer or further away from ourselves. Often it’s hard to tune in to the subtle energy, but deep down everything is either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’ Feel good or feel not as good. Brightness or darkness. Avoidance or coming home.”

Rebecca Campbell

Course details

This course is an act of self-love, helping you to drop deeper into your body, clearing unhelpful blocks and opening to your greater potential. Each practice is incorporated for a reason – because it is tried and tested and helpful. Together we will take a beautiful journey into our deeper Self, the part of us that appreciates out power, our beauty, our joy, our pleasure, our possibilities and our presence as a woman.

The course will absolutely support you in accessing more of your feminine wisdom, power, passion and creativity.

It will deepen your connection to heart and soul and help you listen to your inner knowing.

It will help you to open to new perspectives on how YOU choose to live YOUR life.

You might even make a new friend who sees life similarly and is also open to honouring her true Self.

Emma will support you as much as she can, encouraging you to create your own sacred space to explore with kindness, love and appreciation for all that you are.

Emma will weave together various Tantric and contemporary spiritual practices, to help raise your consciousness and create the space for transformation and personal and spiritual development, essentially helping you to love and accept yourself more in the process.

Emma is honoured to be able to offer this course, with the intent that it may make a positive difference to your life and to those lives you touch.

This course takes place over 5 sessions. During each session there will be a settling self-enquiry and breathing exercises followed by a practice specific to that week with the intention of getting you increasingly into your body, be that through yoga, OSHO shaking, a karuna moving heart-meditation, gentle touch and self-massage, a Tantric breathing exercise, dance etc. and each session will finish with a Yoga Nidra before oracle cards and a cup of tea.

It includes weekly home practice between sessions – should you have the time and energy.

Where: St Martin’s Community Centre (upstairs)


·    Week 1: Sunday 29 September – 2.15-4.30pm

·    Week 2: Sunday  27 October – 2.15-4.30pm

·    Week 3: Sunday 10 November  – 2.15-4.30pm

·    Week 4: Sunday 24 November 2.15-4.30pm

·    Week 5: Sunday 8th December  – 2.15 -4.30pm 

Cost: £220. No refunds for missed sessions. Payment can be made in instalments, please mail Emma to arrange a payment plan on

Terms and conditions: Please check these before signing up

Number of students: Groups are kept small to support the process, maximum of 10

“Believe that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, your hurt happened for you, not to you. And I bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open because the world needs you open.” Rebecca Campell



Earlier Event: 28 September
Reiki Level Two Attunement Session
Later Event: 1 October
Women's yoga series - October