Fully booked!
Are you ready to deepen your experience of Reiki, energy and healing?
Only those who have completely Reiki Level One can undertake Reiki Level Two.
During this inspiring, transformative and empowering day you will be introduced to three of the four Reiki symbols, including the power symbol, the mental/emotional symbol and the distance healing symbol. You will learn how you may incorporate these symbols into any healing session and into your life generally.
While this attunement will allow you to join the UK Reiki Federation and obtain insurance so that you may practice Reiki professionally, most students come to this level simply for their own healing and personal and spiritual development. Many have not practiced Reiki regularly since their Reiki Level One and find that this session re-inspires them.
There is no doubt that Reiki positively changes things, bringing out the best in us individually and collectively, and this session will undoubtably enhance your spiritual, intuitive and personal development too.
The manual will be sent to you ahead of the session so that the session can be spent experientially. We will sit in circle around a central altar (either on the floor or on a chair) and incorporate a meditative and embodied chakra enquiry, bio-dynamic movement and a chakra balancing relaxation (incorporating chakra balancing crystals) ahead of the attunement itself.
After a vegetarian packed lunch (please bring your own), time is set aside to work with the symbols healing back into the past and into the future, as well as creating a healing and manifestation mandala. We will also learn how to dowse with a pendulum and how this may enhance your own self-awareness and intuitive capacity and assist in a healing session. You will have the opportunity to dowse your own Bach floral remedy as well as using dowsing charts to understand more of yourself. Oracle cards are also available.
For those who wish to go into professional practice, the manual provides additional information about the responsibilities of becoming a professional Reiki practitioner, how to join the UK Reiki Federation, where to obtain insurance and how to attend to other practicalities.
You will have the opportunity to practice giving and receiving the symbols in a healing situation, and ask questions etc. so that you feel confident giving Reiki to others following the attunement and building up to professional practice, should you wish.
Herbal teas, water and energy balls will be provided, but please bring your own vegetarian packed lunch.
LOCATION: Cobo Community Centre (upstairs)
COST: The cost is £270 including a non-refundable or transferable deposit of £60, required to secure your place. The remaining balance will be due 2 weeks before the session. Payment can be made by monthly instalments, please liaise with Emma directly to arrange a payment schedule.
INCLUDED: In addition to the Reiki attunement, you will also receive a manual, a certificate and a crystal.
BRING: Please bring a vegetarian packed lunch and any drinks you would like in addition to the herbal tea & water provided (e.g. coffee), something to sit/lie on, a blanket and pendulum (although you can borrow one of these if you prefer). Also bring an open heart and mind!
Students need to allow 9 months between Levels One and Two should they wish to register immediately with the UK Reiki Federation, but can otherwise attend after five/six months, but they will then need to wait an additional four /three months before being able to register with the UK Reiki Federation. Of course many have no intention of practising professionally, or joining the UK Reiki Federation, but we still suggest an integration period of approximately six months between Levels One and Two.