Emma is feeling a deep need to offer Yoni Yoga again, not only so she can immerse myself in the beautiful energy that it creates when women collectively open their heart and womb spaces, but so that you may benefit too.
Yoni Yoga is a nourishing, nurturing, restful, healing and transformative practice that encourages a deepening connection between the light in the heart space and the creative energy in the womb space (even if you don’t have a womb there is an energy).
This approach to practice has helped Emma enormously in her life, essentially helping her to come home to a deeper sense of Self and restoring balance to her menstrual cycle, helping her navigate IVF, pregnancy, birth, the post-natal period and into the peri-menopause.
It is an absolute boon for women of all ages. The practice itself incorporates various tantric yoga* techniques including asana (gentle postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantras (sound), mudras (hand gestures) and yoga nidra (a guided relaxation). You are encouraged to close your eyes an ego within.
*Please note that classical tantric yoga has its roots going back 1,500 years and is a spiritual practice centred on freedom through daily life and should not be confused with western neotrantra’s emphasis on sexual energy.
WHEN: Monday 5th May
TIME: 10:30am - 11:30am
WHERE: Cobo Community Centre (downstairs)
COST: £15
Please bring a mat, cushion and blanket
If you can no longer make the class, please email admin@beinspiredby.co.uk at your earliest convenience.