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Reiki Master Attunement Session - 2 spaces left

  • Cobo Community Centre Le Guet GY5 7PN Guernsey (map)

2 spaces left!

Some of you have asked, so here it is…

A group Master attunement session for those who crave connection with other like-minded souls while taking your Reiki journey to another level in a safe and nurturing environment up in the trees at Cobo Community Centre.

For those who are feeling the call, while it might seem like an investment, who better to invest in than yourself? This is not a step you will regret as bringing the Master symbol into your life will absolutely change things for you, helping you to step increasingly into your power. 

Please be aware that becoming a Reiki Master is not the end of the journey; it is only the beginning of a deepening of your own personal and spiritual development. A Reiki Master is not suddenly better, wiser or more enlightened than anyone else. It simply means that you have answered a calling. 

Thus, a Reiki Master is not someone who has mastered Reiki, but rather someone who keeps offering themselves deeply to their practice, someone who is content to do what is theirs to do, and leave the rest to Reiki. Please don’t think that you’re not good enough, or experienced enough – if you are feeling the call, honour it. 

Through practice and contemplation, it is hoped that each Reiki Master can live from the pure open space in the heart that is authentic and cannot be faked. Ideally a Reiki Master lives with the conviction of their practice, relying on their practice to deepen their connection to the heart space and to reconnect when needed. 

Attuning at this level involves finding out who you really are. We are often keen to help others without really dealing with our own issues, so it is about being able to completely accept ourselves, without being limited by the mind’s various conditionings and the ego’s illusory messages.

Thus following this attunement, you may find it becomes easier to move beyond negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs. Once you are able to do this, you might find it easier to help others to do so too. Also, you might find that the wisdom and energetic boost at Master practitioner level allows you to take a more active role in creating your own reality by taking full responsibility and holding yourself absolutely accountable. 

As a Reiki Master, you will come to develop your own unique relationship with Reiki, living with the reality that healing happens in a profound way when you touch, that your touch carries an authenticity you cannot control, and that people’s lives may change when you touch them (especially when you touch for initiation if you later choose that path).

At Reiki Master life becomes simpler. Thus, as with the Reiki Level Two attunement session, the Reiki Master Manual will be shared with you prior to the session so that the day can be spent experientially, allowing you to learn more about yourself and energy, promoting your personal and spiritual development, and further embracing Reiki in your life. 

We will sit in circle too, around a central altar, on the floor as you wish/if your body will allow, or on a chair, and enjoy a lovely uplifting and soul nurturing and nourishing day of spiritual chatter, enquiry and laughter too, encouraging  increasing lightness.

Herbal teas, water, dark chocolate and energy balls (for grounding purposes of course!) will be provided, but please bring your own packed lunch and snacks.


The day might look a little bit like this, albeit there will be flexibility to flow with the energy of the group and the various needs of the students in that moment:

  • Self-enquiry; a journey through the chakras to see where you are at in your life and in your relationship to yourself.

  • The Reiki Master symbol and any questions arising.

  • Creating a crystal grid (please bring your own crystals!).

  • Practicing dowsing with dowsing cards and the Bach Floral remedies (should you wish)

  • Breathing exercises, biodynamic movements, a  guided chakra balancing relaxation and the violet flame meditation to prepare for the attunement

  • Vegetarian lunch (please bring your own)

  • Depending on the weather opportunity to rod dowse for a tree to settle against and listen. 

  • Share Reiki with others, using the Master symbol.

  • Oracle Cards

Date & location

Saturday 13th September

10am - 3.30pm

The session will take place upstairs at Cobo Community Centre.


£520 per person, which includes the Master Manual, your certificate, refreshments and love.

I always feel I need to justify the cost by explaining that this is only £25 more than I paid in 2005. 

Payment can be made in monthly instalments to be arranged directly with Emma. A non-refundable deposit of £100 per student is required to book your space. 

Please bring

Please bring a packed lunch and any drinks you would like in addition to the herbal tea & water provided (e.g. coffee). The Master Manual that I will send to you in advance (although I can provide a printed copy if needed), 9 crystals for the crystal grid and a point crystal/wand if you have one (or just let me know if you need to borrow some), a pendulum and a dowsing rod (again, you can borrow one, no need to buy one just for this course!), yoga mat, blanket, cushion, snacks.

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