
Children's Crystal Course
Is your child drawn to and fascinated by crystals and would like to know more about them? In which case this session will be ideal.
Yolande will share her love of crystals. She will show you a wide range of crystals and explain about them. You will be able to see many examples in their natural as well as polished form.
Children will have the opportunity to handle and discover which crystal(s) they are most drawn to.
The children are welcome to BRING AS MANY OF THEIR OWN CRYSTALS (especially small ones) TO THE COURSE AS IS PRACTICAL. (Time permitting Yolande will help to identify them if she can).
When: Monday 11th December
Time: 4.30-6pm
Venue: COL des PRES, La Ruette du Gal, Forest. GY8 0HW
Course Leader: Yolande Ifold (a very experienced crystal practitioner and Reiki Master)
Course fee: £12.50 - All participants will receive a crystal gift infused with love and Reiki healing energy as part of this course.
Age: No minimum age or maximum age (as long as you feel your child will enjoy looking and learning about a wide range of different crystals). Parents are welcome to remain in the session.
TO BOOK: To book and for further information please message "Yolande Ifold" via Facebook Messenger or email yifold@hotmail.com
Mob: 07713 631828
Some crystals and jewellery items will also be available for purchase by children/adults after the course.

Yoni Yoga Class (Booking Required)
** Booking required. Book your space here **
A gentle, yet empowering, healing and transformative approach to practice for women
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means, amongst other words, ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping women connect more fully with the wisdom of their womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of their true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of their heart in the process.
It is a deliciously nourishing, nurturing, transformative, empowering and healing practice for all women regardless of age or experience, helping women to slow down, take a deep exhale and - essentially - come home to themselves.
Laying mats in a semi-circle, and guided by Emma, the practice will weave together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand positions), and various guided relaxation techniques, women are invited to close their eyes and rest when they need.
No prior experience of yoga is required, just a willingness to be present to yourself, even if that means lying down the whole session and resting.
Please bring a mat, at least one blanket and however many cushions you might need to be able to lie and sit comfortably.
DATES: Tuesdays (16th May, 23rd May and 6th June)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £12 per class

Yoni Yoga Class (Booking Required)
** Booking required. Book your space here **
A gentle, yet empowering, healing and transformative approach to practice for women
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means, amongst other words, ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping women connect more fully with the wisdom of their womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of their true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of their heart in the process.
It is a deliciously nourishing, nurturing, transformative, empowering and healing practice for all women regardless of age or experience, helping women to slow down, take a deep exhale and - essentially - come home to themselves.
Laying mats in a semi-circle, and guided by Emma, the practice will weave together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand positions), and various guided relaxation techniques, women are invited to close their eyes and rest when they need.
No prior experience of yoga is required, just a willingness to be present to yourself, even if that means lying down the whole session and resting.
Please bring a mat, at least one blanket and however many cushions you might need to be able to lie and sit comfortably.
DATES: Tuesdays (16th May, 23rd May and 6th June)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £12 per class

Yoni Yoga Class (Booking Required)
** Booking required. Book your space here **
A gentle, yet empowering, healing and transformative approach to practice for women
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means, amongst other words, ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping women connect more fully with the wisdom of their womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of their true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of their heart in the process.
It is a deliciously nourishing, nurturing, transformative, empowering and healing practice for all women regardless of age or experience, helping women to slow down, take a deep exhale and - essentially - come home to themselves.
Laying mats in a semi-circle, and guided by Emma, the practice will weave together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand positions), and various guided relaxation techniques, women are invited to close their eyes and rest when they need.
No prior experience of yoga is required, just a willingness to be present to yourself, even if that means lying down the whole session and resting.
Please bring a mat, at least one blanket and however many cushions you might need to be able to lie and sit comfortably.
DATES: Tuesdays (16th May, 23rd May and 6th June)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £12 per class

Yoni Yoga (Drop-in)
A gentle, yet empowering, healing and transformative approach to practice for women
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means, amongst other words, ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping women connect more fully with the wisdom of their womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of their true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of their heart in the process.
It is a deliciously nourishing, nurturing, transformative, empowering and healing practice for all women regardless of age or experience, helping women to slow down, take a deep exhale and - essentially - come home to themselves.
Laying mats in a semi-circle, and guided by Emma, the practice will weave together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand positions), and various guided relaxation techniques, women are invited to close their eyes and rest when they need.
No prior experience of yoga is required, just a willingness to be present to yourself, even if that means lying down the whole session and resting.
Please bring a mat, at least one blanket and however many cushions you might need to be able to lie and sit comfortably.
DATES: Tuesdays (25th April, 2nd, 16th and 23rd May and 6th June)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £12 per class or discounted package of £55 for the full 5 weeks. Drop-in session.
Please read our terms & conditions in the footer below before booking.

Reiki Master Attunement Session
Becoming a Reiki Master is not the end of the journey; it is only the beginning of a deepening of our own personal and spiritual development. A Reiki Master is not suddenly better, wiser or more enlightened than anyone else. It simply means that we have answered a calling.
Thus, a Reiki Master is not someone who has mastered Reiki, but rather someone who keeps offering themselves deeply to their practice, someone who is content to do what is theirs to do, and leave the rest to Reiki.
Through practice and contemplation, it is hoped that each Reiki Master can live from the pure open space in the heart that is authentic and cannot be faked. Ideally a Reiki Master lives with the conviction of their practice, relying on their practice to deepen their connection to the heart space and to reconnect when needed.
Training at this level involves finding out who we really are. We are often keen to help others without really dealing with our own issues, so it is about being able to completely accept ourselves, without being limited by the ego’s illusory messages.
Following this training, many find it becomes easier to move beyond limiting thought patterns. Once we are able to do this, we might find it easier to help others to do so too. Also, we might find that the knowledge and energetic boost at Master practitioner level allows us to take a more active role in creating our own experience.
As Reiki Masters, we all come to form our own unique relationship with Reiki, living with the reality that healing happens in a profound way when we touch, that our touch carries an authenticity we cannot control, and that people’s lives change when we touch them (especially when we touch for initiation if we choose that path).
Unlike other attunement sessions, the Reiki Master Manual will be shared with you prior to the session itself with an expectation that you read it so that the content can be discussed during the session itself. Much of the day will be experiential, allowing you to learn more about yourself and energy, promoting your personal and spiritual development, and further embracing Reiki in your life so that it is something that is lived rather than something that is done.
Herbal teas, water and light snacks will be provided, but please bring your own packed lunch.
The day might look a little bit like this, albeit there will be flexibility to flow with the energy of the group and the various needs of the students in that moment:
Self-enquiry; a journey through the chakras to see where we’re at in our life and in our relationship to our self.
Discussing the nature of being a Reiki Master
Exploring the Reiki principles further
Introducing the Reiki Master symbol
Biodynamic exercises, breathing exercises and gentle yogic movement for further self-enquiry and to shift energy blocks and open the energy channels ahead of the attunement
Violet Flame Meditation
Moving Reiki Meditation
Nature and energy - depending on the weather, grounding in nature, opportunity to rod dowse for a tree to settle against and listen. Opportunity for meditation, contemplation, journaling.
Meditation on the symbols for empowerment.
Crystal grids to empower goals – please bring crystals.
Giving Reiki to ourselves and opportunity to share Reiki with others, using the Master symbol.
Oracle Cards
Date & location
Sunday 5th March 2023, from 9.30am to approximately 4pm (please allow flexibility as this is the first Master course and it might finish earlier or later).
The session will take place at Cobo Community Centre.
£520 per person, which includes a copy of the Master Manual, your certificate, refreshments and love!
(note that Emma paid £495 for her Master attunement session in 2005!)
Payment can be made in monthly instalments to be arranged directly with Emma. A non-refundable deposit of £100 per student is required to book your space.
Please bring a packed lunch and any drinks you would like in addition to the herbal tea & water provided (e.g. coffee). The Master Manual that we will send to you in advance (although we can provide a printed copy if needed), 9 crystals for the crystal grid and a point crystal/wand if you have one (or just let us know if you need to borrow some), a dowsing rod (again, you can borrow one, no need to buy one just for this course!), yoga mat, blanket, cushion, snacks.
Requirements for attendance: A period of at least 12 months since completing the Reiki Level Two qualification, a love and appreciation of Reiki, regularly practising Reiki on oneself and with an openness to share with others, whether that be family, friends, plants, pets etc, and/or in a professional capacity, a clear intention to further one’s Reiki journey for one’s personal spiritual development, self-healing and to share with others where one can/feels called, comfortable sitting in silence by oneself and listening to one’s inner guidance, in the process of establishing/having an ongoing spiritual practice.
Please read the TERMS & CONDITIONS before booking your place

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (1)
Join Emma for a deliciously nourishing, nurturing and magical five weeks of yoni yoga to help you embrace more of your mystery and come home to yourself. This course will help support any life changes and period of inner transformation. It will also help to provide greater clarity and connection to self if you are in a period of confusion or stagnation.
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means ‘womb’, 'vulva', 'cunt' and ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping you connect more fully with the wisdom of your womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of your true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of your beautiful heart.
You have this deep knowing within you, a wisdom that has never been absent, but from which you have been denied access by patriarchy because of the threatening nature of this inherent inner power, the Yoni Shakti (the power of yoni) and blood wisdom that permeates your very cells. It is imperative that we access this blood wisdom and inner power, and live in harmony with this, rather than fighting against it, not just for women but for the whole planet. What you will find, when you delve deeper is a greater sense of freedom than you could ever have previously imagined – Goddess will shine brighter in your life!
Weaving together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (use of sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand gestures), Yoga Nidra (deep and powerful rest) and various guided relaxation and meditation techniques, Yoni Yoga is an empowering and transformative approach to spiritual yoga practice, which will absolutely support you on your journey to greater love, intuition and empathy, compassion, consciousness, creativity, intimacy, pleasure, wholeness and authenticity.
Please note that this practice absolutely supports women to heal from patriarchal wounding and various life trauma (inner child, sexual, birth, medical etc.), which can often result in low self-esteem, low self-worth, lack of love for self, creative and intuitive blocks, loss of sensuality and sexuality, inability to feel pleasure (in life generally) and access inner wisdom and feelings of stubborn unforgiveness that keep us stuck in the past. It is a very liberating approach to yoga practice, which not only supports you individually, but all humanity and Mother Earth.
All women at all different stages of life are welcome to join Emma, from maiden to wise crone, all that is required is an open heart and mind and a willingness to go deeper inside. No previous experience of Yoni Yoga is required. If anything about this course has caught your awareness then act on it, there is a reason you are reading this.
If anything about this course has caught your attention then please act on it - there is a reason you are reading this, you need it!
Please note that if you have done a Yoni Yoga course with Emma previously, the content will be different.
DATES: Tuesdays (28th February, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th March)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £55 for the full 5 weeks
Please read our terms & conditions in the footer below before booking.

WHEN: Sunday evenings, 29th January, 5th February, 12th February, 19th February
TIME: 7:00pm - 7:30pm
COST: £24 per person, booking required
Online via Zoom

WHEN: Sunday evenings, 29th January, 5th February, 12th February, 19th February
TIME: 7:00pm - 7:30pm
COST: £24 per person, booking required
Online via Zoom

Reiki Level One Attunement Session
During this fun and uplifting session you will be introduced to the traditional Usui system of Reiki healing, which is both a popular personal and spiritual development system and also an energy healing technique.
This is an inspiring and empowering day during which you will not only become attuned to the Reiki energy, but will also learn what Reiki is all about, the history of Reiki, the five Reiki principles and how to channel Reiki to yourself, friends and family and even pets and plants.
This attunement will increase your vibration and level of consciousness which would take far longer using other methods such as meditation. It will also assist with your spiritual transformation and personal development and help to enhance your intuition and general outlook on life. In this way it may present opportunities for greater alignment and authenticity in your life, helping you to be more in touch with your true self and realise more of your inherent potential in this lifetime. Reiki will assist with your ongoing healing too.
The session will also incorporate some biodynamic exercises and a short and gentle embodied yoga practice before a guided chakra balancing relaxation to prepare you for the attunement (options are given where necessary depending on injuries and conditions).
You will have the opportunity to learn various grounding and protection techniques, a cleansing technique, a centring meditation, feel auras, receive Reiki through self-practice and from the other attendees, and practice Reiki the other attendees so that may leave feeling confident practising Reiki on yourself as well as on friends, family and pets etc.
No one ever regrets bringing Reiki into their life. The only obstacle is generally own resistance to greater healing and opening our hearts and minds to our full potential.
The wonderful thing about Reiki is that as we heal and raise our vibration, so this helps to heal and raise the vibration of all of humanity and the planet too.
Herbal teas, water and light snacks will be provided, but please bring your own packed lunch.
LOCATION: The session is being held at Cobo Community Centre (upstairs).
COST: The cost is £195 including a non-refundable or transferable deposit of £50, which is required to secure your place. The remaining balance will be due 2 weeks before the session
If you are on low or no income, we would still like you to benefit from our sessions. A concessionary rate is available for one person per session who would not be able to attend otherwise. To book at this rate, please email emma@beinspiredby.co.uk. This opportunity is based on truthfulness and we trust that you will not take advantage of this kindness.
INCLUDED: In addition to the Reiki attunement, you will also receive a practice manual, certificate and a crystal to take home.
BRING: Please bring a packed lunch and any drinks you would like in addition to the herbal tea & water provided (e.g. coffee), a yoga mat and a blanket. Also bring an open heart and mind!
BOOKING: Please book by clicking below. If you have any questions, please email Emma at emma@beinspiredby.co.uk.
Please read the TERMS & CONDITIONS before booking your place

Breathe, Chant, Rest with Emma
Join Emma to practice a combination of yogic breathing exercises before enjoying some Vedic chanting together to open the throat and heart chakras (and raise consciousness), and then resting with a guided relaxation. No prior experience required, just bring an open heart and mind. Oracle cards available at the end.
WHEN: Wednesday 8th February, 6-7pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (room opposite the office)
COST: £12 per person
BRING: Something comfortable to sit on, perhaps a blanket and a cushion, a drink if you need one

WHEN: Sunday evenings, 29th January, 5th February, 12th February, 19th February
TIME: 7:00pm - 7:30pm
COST: £24 per person, booking required
Online via Zoom

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (5)
Fifth of five sessions.
This course is fully booked. However, if you’re interested in attending this session, please email emma@beinspiredby.co.uk in case there has been a cancellation.
DATES: Wednesdays (4th, 11th, 18th, 25th January and 1st February)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

The word pranayama consists of two parts, prana which is energy and ayama which means stretch, extension, expansion, regulation, restraint and control. Pranayama therefore means the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises and is one of the eight limbs of yoga.
Fortunately our breath can be on auto pilot while we are doing other things. But we can also control our breath. For example, when we are stressed, we can slow down and take a few conscious rounds of breath to calm us down. If we are feeling sluggish and heavy, we can invigorate ourselves with a few deep breaths.
Our breath is an indicator of how we feel and therefore we can influence how we feel with our breath – its magic!
The ancient yogis believed that we are given a certain number of breaths and when we use them all up, we use up our life energy (prana) and we die. Through the consistent practice of pranayama, we learn to harness our energy through controlling the breath, slowing it down, and lengthening it to help us turn inwards. In this way we are able to rest more easily into meditation.
There are also many other benefits of a regular pranayama practice, not least enriching our blood with oxygen, but improving the functions of all bodily systems. The nervous system, for example, is deeply nourished and the mind and emotions are stabilised and balanced. It can create freedom from old habits and opens us to new ways of being, and is key to managing stress and calming anxieties.
Essentially, pranayama is a spiritual practice, and regular practice inspires us to radiate with vitality and joy, lifting our spirits, strengthening our immune system and improving our general wellbeing in the process.
Join Emma for the 4-week online pranayama course where you will get to practice various breathing techniques and discover for yourself the magic of the breath. Each session will allow time for silent meditation/relaxation which you can continue after the session has finished.
WHEN: Sunday evenings, 29th January, 5th February, 12th February, 19th February
TIME: 7:00pm - 7:30pm
COST: £24 per person, booking required
Online via Zoom - link will be provided via email

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (4)
Fourth of five sessions.
This course is fully booked. However, if you’re interested in attending this session, please email emma@beinspiredby.co.uk in case there has been a cancellation.
DATES: Wednesdays (4th, 11th, 18th, 25th January and 1st February)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (3)
Third of five sessions.
This course is fully booked. However, if you’re interested in attending this session, please email emma@beinspiredby.co.uk in case there has been a cancellation.
DATES: Wednesdays (4th, 11th, 18th, 25th January and 1st February)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (2)
Second of five sessions.
There is 1 space available for the remaining 4 sessions!
DATES: Wednesdays (4th, 11th, 18th, 25th January and 1st February)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (1)
Join Emma for a deliciously nourishing, nurturing and magical five weeks of yoni yoga to help you embrace more of your mystery and come home to yourself. This course will help support any life changes and period of inner transformation. It will also help to provide greater clarity and connection to self if you are in a period of confusion or stagnation.
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means ‘womb’, 'vulva', 'cunt' and ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping you connect more fully with the wisdom of your womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of your true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of your beautiful heart.
You have this deep knowing within you, a wisdom that has never been absent, but from which you have been denied access by patriarchy because of the threatening nature of this inherent inner power, the Yoni Shakti (the power of yoni) and blood wisdom that permeates your very cells. It is imperative that we access this blood wisdom and inner power, and live in harmony with this, rather than fighting against it, not just for women but for the whole planet. What you will find, when you delve deeper is a greater sense of freedom than you could ever have previously imagined – Goddess will shine brighter in your life!
Weaving together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (use of sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand gestures), Yoga Nidra (deep and powerful rest) and various guided relaxation and meditation techniques, Yoni Yoga is an empowering and transformative approach to spiritual yoga practice, which will absolutely support you on your journey to greater love, intuition and empathy, compassion, consciousness, creativity, intimacy, pleasure, wholeness and authenticity.
Please note that this practice absolutely supports women to heal from patriarchal wounding and various life trauma (inner child, sexual, birth, medical etc.), which can often result in low self-esteem, low self-worth, lack of love for self, creative and intuitive blocks, loss of sensuality and sexuality, inability to feel pleasure (in life generally) and access inner wisdom and feelings of stubborn unforgiveness that keep us stuck in the past. It is a very liberating approach to yoga practice, which not only supports you individually, but all humanity and Mother Earth.
All women at all different stages of life are welcome to join Emma, from maiden to wise crone, all that is required is an open heart and mind and a willingness to go deeper inside. No previous experience of Yoni Yoga is required. If anything about this course has caught your awareness then act on it, there is a reason you are reading this.
If anything about this course has caught your attention then please act on it - there is a reason you are reading this, you need it!
Please note that if you have done a Yoni Yoga course with Emma previously, the content will be different.
DATES: Wednesdays (4th, 11th, 18th, 25th January and 1st February)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £55 for the full 5 weeks
Please read our terms & conditions in the footer below before booking.

Reiki Level Two Attunement Session
During this inspiring, transformative and empowering day you will be introduced to three of the four Reiki symbols, including the distance healing symbol, learning how these may be incorporated into a healing session and into your life generally.
You will also be given a set of chakra-balancing crystals which can be incorporated into a self-healing session as well as for use in a general healing session on others. There will also be the opportunity to learn how to use a pendulum, not least to help you deepen your connection to your intuition, but how this may be used during a treatment session to assist with healing. There will be the opportunity to practice with Bach floral remedies and dowsing charts to help with your immediate healing and to increase your consciousness by gaining a better understanding of what is out of balance in your life at the time of the attunement session.
Together we will use the distance healing symbol to send healing to our past and into our future to assist with our healing. We will also send distance healing to friends/family who might benefit. We will also use all the symbols to create our own Mandala, which can be used to help manifest our intentions/wishes into our lives – the process alone can help with our personal development.
This session is life changing for many as it will undoubtably deepen your experience of Reiki, energy and healing, raising your vibration and consciousness, and helping to enhance your spiritual, intuitive and personal development too.
For those who wish to become a professional practitioner, you will also learn about the responsibilities of becoming a professional Reiki practitioner, find out about joining the UK Reiki Federation and learn how you might obtain insurance and attend to other practicalities.
The session will also incorporate some biodynamic exercises and a short and gentle embodied yoga practice before a guided chakra balancing relaxation to prepare you for the attunement (options are given where necessary depending on injuries and conditions).
You will have the opportunity to feel auras and practice using the Reiki symbols on each other, gaining a sense of how each symbol has a different energy attached to it and how they can be used to enhance a healing session (and your life generally).
Herbal teas, water and light snacks will be provided, but please bring your own packed lunch.
Only those who have completely Reiki Level One can undertake Reiki Level Two. Students need to allow 9 months between Levels One and Two should they wish to register immediately with the UK Reiki Federation, but can otherwise attend after six months, but they will then need to wait an additional three months before being able to register with the UK Reiki Federation. Of course many have no intention of practising professionally, or joining the UK Reiki Federation, but we still suggest an integration period of approximately six months between Levels One and Two.
LOCATION: The session is being held at Cobo Community Centre (upstairs).
COST: The cost is £255 including a non-refundable or transferable deposit of £50, which is required to secure your place. The remaining balance will be due 2 weeks before the session
INCLUDED: In addition to the Reiki attunement, you will also receive a practice manual, certificate and a set of chakra crystals to take home.
BRING: Please bring a packed lunch and any drinks you would like in addition to the herbal tea & water provided (e.g. coffee), a yoga mat, blanket and pendulum (although you can borrow one of these if you prefer). Also bring an open heart and mind!
BOOKING: Please book by clicking below. If you have any questions, please email Emma at emma@beinspiredby.co.uk.
THIS SESSION IS NOW FULLY BOOKED. Please see other dates or get in touch to join the cancellation list.
Please read the TERMS & CONDITIONS before booking your place

Reiki Level One Attunement Session
During this fun and uplifting session you will be introduced to the traditional Usui system of Reiki healing, which is both a popular personal and spiritual development system and also an energy healing technique.
This is an inspiring and empowering day during which you will not only become attuned to the Reiki energy, but will also learn what Reiki is all about, the history of Reiki, the five Reiki principles and how to channel Reiki to yourself, friends and family and even pets and plants.
This attunement will increase your vibration and level of consciousness which would take far longer using other methods such as meditation. It will also assist with your spiritual transformation and personal development and help to enhance your intuition and general outlook on life. In this way it may present opportunities for greater alignment and authenticity in your life, helping you to be more in touch with your true self and realise more of your inherent potential in this lifetime. Reiki will assist with your ongoing healing too.
The session will also incorporate some biodynamic exercises and a short and gentle embodied yoga practice before a guided chakra balancing relaxation to prepare you for the attunement (options are given where necessary depending on injuries and conditions).
You will have the opportunity to learn various grounding and protection techniques, a cleansing technique, a centring meditation, feel auras, receive Reiki through self-practice and from the other attendees, and practice Reiki the other attendees so that may leave feeling confident practising Reiki on yourself as well as on friends, family and pets etc.
No one ever regrets bringing Reiki into their life. The only obstacle is generally own resistance to greater healing and opening our hearts and minds to our full potential.
The wonderful thing about Reiki is that as we heal and raise our vibration, so this helps to heal and raise the vibration of all of humanity and the planet too.
Herbal teas, water and light snacks will be provided, but please bring your own packed lunch.
LOCATION: The session is being held at Cobo Community Centre (upstairs).
COST: The cost is £195 including a non-refundable or transferable deposit of £40, which is required to secure your place. The remaining balance will be due 2 weeks before the session
If you are on low or no income, we would still like you to benefit from our sessions. A concessionary rate is available for one person per session who would not be able to attend otherwise. To book at this rate, please email emma@beinspiredby.co.uk. This opportunity is based on truthfulness and we trust that you will not take advantage of this kindness.
INCLUDED: In addition to the Reiki attunement, you will also receive a practice manual, certificate and a crystal to take home.
BRING: Please bring a packed lunch and any drinks you would like in addition to the herbal tea & water provided (e.g. coffee), a yoga mat and a blanket. Also bring an open heart and mind!
BOOKING: This session is now fully booked. Please see events calendar for other dates.
If you have any questions, please email Emma at emma@beinspiredby.co.uk.
Please read the TERMS & CONDITIONS before booking your place

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (5)
Last of five sessions. To sign up for the full course, see event for first session on 7th September.
DATES: Wednesdays (7th, 14th, 28th September, 5th & 12th October)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (4)
Fourth of five sessions. To sign up for the full course, see event for first session on 7th September.
DATES: Wednesdays (7th, 14th, 28th September, 5th & 12th October)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

Reiki Level Two Attunement Session
During this inspiring, transformative and empowering day you will be introduced to three of the four Reiki symbols, including the distance healing symbol, and you will learn how these may be incorporated into a healing session and into your life generally.
You will also learn how to use crystals to help balance the chakras during a healing session (and how crystals may be incorporated into your life). There will also be the opportunity to learn how to use a pendulum during a treatment session and how a pendulum may be used to heighten your connection with your intuition.
Together we will use the symbols to send healing to our past and into our future as well as sending distance healing to friends/family who might benefit. We will also create our own healing Mandala, which can be used to help manifest our intentions/wishes into our lives.
This session will undoubtably deepen your experience of Reiki, energy and healing and will likely enhance your spiritual, intuitive and personal development too. For some it can be life changing.
For those who wish to become a professional practitioner, you will also learn about the responsibilities of becoming a professional Reiki practitioner, find out about joining the UK Reiki Federation and learn how you might obtain insurance and attend to other practicalities.
We also incorporate some biodynamic exercises, some gentle yoga movement and a guided energy balancing relaxation (using chakra crystals) to prepare you for the attunement. The session will also include some grounding exercises and an opportunity for meditation. Please don't worry if you do not practice yoga ordinarily as options will be given as necessary.
You will have the opportunity to feel auras and practice using the Reiki symbols on each other, gaining a sense of how each symbol has a different energy attached to it and how they can be used to enhance a healing session (and your life generally).
Please note that a vegetarian/vegan lunch prepared with love and Reiki is included in the cost and compliments the session. Herbal teas, water, fruit and nuts will also be provided.
Please note: Only those who have completely Reiki Level One can undertake Reiki Level Two. Students need to allow 9 months between levels one and two should they wish to register with the UK Reiki Federation.
WHERE IS IT? The session is being held at Cobo Community Centre (upstairs).
HOW MUCH IS IT? The cost is £255 and includes a healthy vegetarian/vegan lunch, refreshments, snacks, a manual, a set of chakra crystals and a certificate. A non-refundable deposit of £50 is required to secure your place. Full payment to be made two weeks before the session.
If you are on low or no income, we would still like you to benefit from our sessions. A concessionary rate is available for one person per session who would not be able to attend otherwise. To book at this rate, please email emma@beinspiredby.co.uk. This opportunity is based on truthfulness and we trust that you will not take advantage of this kindness.
WHAT TO BRING? An open heart and mind, a yoga mat and blanket and a pendulum (although you can borrow one if you prefer)
HOW DO I BOOK? Click below to book. Please email Emma at emma@beinspiredby.co.uk if you have any questions
Please read the TERMS & CONDITIONS before booking your place

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (3)
Third of five sessions. To sign up for the full course, see event for first session on 7th September.
DATES: Wednesdays (7th, 14th, 28th September, 5th & 12th October)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (2)
Second of five sessions. To sign up for the full course, see event for first session on 7th September.
DATES: Wednesdays (7th, 14th, 28th September, 5th & 12th October)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (1)
Join Emma for a deliciously nourishing, nurturing and magical five weeks of yoni yoga to help you embrace more of your mystery and come home to yourself. This course will help support any life changes and period of inner transformation. It will also help to provide greater clarity and connection to self if you are in a period of confusion or stagnation.
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means ‘womb’, 'vulva', 'cunt' and ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping you connect more fully with the wisdom of your womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of your true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of your beautiful heart.
You have this deep knowing within you, a wisdom that has never been absent, but from which you have been denied access by patriarchy because of the threatening nature of this inherent inner power, the Yoni Shakti (the power of yoni) and blood wisdom that permeates your very cells. It is imperative that we access this blood wisdom and inner power, and live in harmony with this, rather than fighting against it, not just for women but for the whole planet. What you will find, when you delve deeper is a greater sense of freedom than you could ever have previously imagined – Goddess will shine brighter in your life!
Weaving together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (use of sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand gestures), Yoga Nidra (deep and powerful rest) and various guided relaxation and meditation techniques, Yoni Yoga is an empowering and transformative approach to spiritual yoga practice, which will absolutely support you on your journey to greater love, intuition and empathy, compassion, consciousness, creativity, intimacy, pleasure, wholeness and authenticity.
Please note that this practice absolutely supports women to heal from patriarchal wounding and various life trauma (inner child, sexual, birth, medical etc.), which can often result in low self-esteem, low self-worth, lack of love for self, creative and intuitive blocks, loss of sensuality and sexuality, inability to feel pleasure (in life generally) and access inner wisdom and feelings of stubborn unforgiveness that keep us stuck in the past. It is a very liberating approach to yoga practice, which not only supports you individually, but all humanity and Mother Earth.
All women at all different stages of life are welcome to join Emma, from maiden to wise crone, all that is required is an open heart and mind and a willingness to go deeper inside. No previous experience of Yoni Yoga is required. If anything about this course has caught your awareness then act on it, there is a reason you are reading this.
If anything about this course has caught your attention then please act on it - there is a reason you are reading this, you need it!
Please note that if you have done a Yoni Yoga course with Emma previously, the content will be different.
DATES: Wednesdays (7th, 14th, 28th September, 5th & 12th October )
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £55 for the full 5 weeks
The last course filled within the first week so don’t hesitate to book!
Please read our terms & conditions in the footer below before booking.

Reiki Level Two Attunement Session
During this inspiring, transformative and empowering day you will be introduced to three of the four Reiki symbols, including the distance healing symbol, and you will learn how these may be incorporated into a healing session and into your life generally.
You will also learn how to use crystals to help balance the chakras during a healing session (and how crystals may be incorporated into your life). There will also be the opportunity to learn how to use a pendulum during a treatment session and how a pendulum may be used to heighten your connection with your intuition.
Together we will use the symbols to send healing to our past and into our future as well as sending distance healing to friends/family who might benefit. We will also create our own healing Mandala, which can be used to help manifest our intentions/wishes into our lives.
This session will undoubtably deepen your experience of Reiki, energy and healing and will likely enhance your spiritual, intuitive and personal development too. For some it can be life changing.
For those who wish to become a professional practitioner, you will also learn about the responsibilities of becoming a professional Reiki practitioner, find out about joining the UK Reiki Federation and learn how you might obtain insurance and attend to other practicalities.
We also incorporate some biodynamic exercises, some gentle yoga movement and a guided energy balancing relaxation (using chakra crystals) to prepare you for the attunement. The session will also include some grounding exercises and an opportunity for meditation. Please don't worry if you do not practice yoga ordinarily as options will be given as necessary.
You will have the opportunity to feel auras and practice using the Reiki symbols on each other, gaining a sense of how each symbol has a different energy attached to it and how they can be used to enhance a healing session (and your life generally).
Please note that a vegetarian/vegan lunch prepared with love and Reiki is included in the cost and compliments the session. Herbal teas, water, fruit and nuts will also be provided.
Please note: Only those who have completely Reiki Level One can undertake Reiki Level Two. Students need to allow 9 months between levels one and two should they wish to register with the UK Reiki Federation.
WHERE IS IT? The session is being held at Cobo Community Centre (upstairs).
HOW MUCH IS IT? The cost is £255 and includes a healthy vegetarian/vegan lunch, refreshments, snacks, a manual, a set of chakra crystals and a certificate. A non-refundable deposit of £50 is required to secure your place. Full payment to be made two weeks before the session.
If you are on low or no income, we would still like you to benefit from our sessions. A concessionary rate is available for one person per session who would not be able to attend otherwise. To book at this rate, please email emma@beinspiredby.co.uk. This opportunity is based on truthfulness and we trust that you will not take advantage of this kindness.
WHAT TO BRING? An open heart and mind, a yoga mat and blanket and a pendulum (although you can borrow one if you prefer)
HOW DO I BOOK? Click below to book. Please email Emma at emma@beinspiredby.co.uk if you have any questions
Please read the TERMS & CONDITIONS before booking your place

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (5)
Last of five sessions. To sign up for the full course, see first session on 7th June.
DATES: Tuesdays (7th, 14th, 21st, 28th June and 5th July)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (4)
Fourth of five sessions. To sign up for the full course, see first session on 7th June.
DATES: Tuesdays (7th, 14th, 21st, 28th June and 5th July)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)

5 WEEK COURSE: Yoni Yoga (3)
Third of five sessions. To sign up for the full course, see first session on 7th June.
DATES: Tuesdays (7th, 14th, 21st, 28th June and 5th July)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)