
Glastonbury Yoga Retreat (invite only)
Staying at the magical Chalice Wells and with access to Chalice Wells out of opening hours.
More details to follow including costs.
Single, double and twin available. Spaces limited to 11.
This retreat is by invite only at this stage, but if you would like to join us if space allows, please email Emma. Provisional bookings being taken - no obligation to convert to booking.

Yoga Nidra (online)
Need to rest? Need to heal? Keen to clear some old unhelpful patterns and behaviours? Craving time to go within? Need to calm an anxious, stressed and/or depressed nervous system? Fancy nourishing and nurturing yourself? Keen to deepen your intuition? Focusing on your spiritual and personal development? Just need a lay down?

Restorative Yoga Workshop with Jo
Restore, relax and re-energize with Jo
Dive deep into a truly relaxing and nourishing yoga experience - 2 hours of yoga postures using various props to activate the rest and digest response in the body.
This can be powerfully healing because of its soothing effects on the nervous system which in turn reduces the production of disease forming stress hormones.
Suitable for all levels, and particularly ideal for individuals wanting to ease pain or reduce stress.
Please avoid eating at least 1-2 hours before the session and wear warm & comfortable clothing.
Feel free to bring your own items from home (such as pillow, cushion, blanket, eye pillow) - larger yoga props are provided at the class.
WHEN: Sunday January 21st, 2024 3pm-5pm
WHERE: St Martins Community Centre
BRING: Yoga mat, cushion/blanket, eye pillow. Other yoga props will be provided.
COST: £25 per person. Payment is to be made preferably by bank transfer to Jo (or cash at the start of the session if necessary). Please book by clicking below.

Yoga Nidra (online)
Need to rest? Need to heal? Keen to clear some old unhelpful patterns and behaviours? Craving time to go within? Need to calm an anxious, stressed and/or depressed nervous system? Fancy nourishing and nurturing yourself? Keen to deepen your intuition? Focusing on your spiritual and personal development? Just need a lay down?
As a practice, Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep), is an immensely powerful meditation technique inducing complete physical, emotional and mental relaxation. During yoga nidra one appears to be asleep but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness.
In this way Yoga Nidra is adaptogenic, offering a space to explore what you most need in that moment, as well as an opportunity to work on calming the nervous system and gently and subtly releasing long-held emotions, easing physical and mental tension and stress in the process.
Furthermore, anyone can practice yoga nidra and it cannot be practised incorrectly All you need to do is lie down comfortably and warmly (on your back or side), close your eyes and rest.
I’m biased but I have always found Yoga Nidra to provide a path to greater freedom, promoting healing, wholeness and transformation in a positive direction.
All are welcome, all ages, level of experience and states of health. You just need to log on and lie down!
When: Sunday 14 January
Time: 8.30-9.10pm
Cost: £8 per person
Where: Zoom! A link will be sent ahead of the session. Please join the session promptly.
What do you need: A flat surface to lie upon (avoid lying on a bed), blankets and cushions to keep warm and cosy
To book: please click button below.

Restorative Yoga Workshop with Jo
Restore, relax and re-energize with Jo
Dive deep into a truly relaxing and nourishing yoga experience - 2 hours of yoga postures using various props to activate the rest and digest response in the body.
This can be powerfully healing because of its soothing effects on the nervous system which in turn reduces the production of disease forming stress hormones.
Suitable for all levels, and particularly ideal for individuals wanting to ease pain or reduce stress.
Please avoid eating at least 1-2 hours before the session and wear warm & comfortable clothing.
Feel free to bring your own items from home (such as pillow, cushion, blanket, eye pillow) - larger yoga props are provided at the class.
WHEN: Sunday December 17th, 2023 3pm-5pm
WHERE: St Martins Community Centre
BRING: Yoga mat, cushion/blanket, eye pillow. Other yoga props will be provided.
COST: £25 per person. Payment is to be made preferably by bank transfer to Jo (or cash at the start of the session if necessary). Please book by clicking below.

Restorative Yoga Workshop with Jo
Restore, relax and re-energize with Jo
Dive deep into a truly relaxing and nourishing yoga experience - 2 hours of yoga postures using various props to activate the rest and digest response in the body.
This can be powerfully healing because of its soothing effects on the nervous system which in turn reduces the production of disease forming stress hormones.
Suitable for all levels, and particularly ideal for individuals wanting to ease pain or reduce stress.
Please avoid eating at least 1-2 hours before the session and wear warm & comfortable clothing.
Feel free to bring your own items from home (such as pillow, cushion, blanket, eye pillow) - larger yoga props are provided at the class.
WHEN: Sunday October 1st, 4pm-6pm
WHERE: St Martins Community Centre
BRING: Yoga mat, cushion/blanket, eye pillow. Other yoga props will be provided.
COST: £25 per person. Payment is to be made preferably by bank transfer to Jo (or cash at the start of the session if necessary). Please book by clicking below.

Yoni Yoga for Lughnasadh
Join Emma to celebrate Lughnasadh with a Yoni Yoga class, as a way of being in gratitude to, and honouring, nature’s abundant energy at harvest time – a job well done – and an opportunity to come deeper home to yourself on this shifting energy.
Lughnasadh is the final of the four fire festivals in the ancient Pagan calendar. The year begins with Samhain in October, preparing for winter and the end of the harvest. Next is Imbolc in February to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of lambing season. Beltaine, in May, celebrates the fertility of the land and the summer ahead. Lughnasadh in August rounds off the year by welcoming Autumn, the beginning of the harvest, with the first grain, and the end of summer.
Interwoven within these festivals is the concepts of light and dark, and the year is divided into a dark half (beginning with Samhain) and a light half (beginning with Beltaine). While the days are still longer than the nights, we are descending increasingly into the darkness at Lughnasadh again.
Emma believes that the more we recognise and celebrate the little shifts in Earth’s natural rhythms the more we can become attuned to our own nature and feel more grounded in our lives.
Where: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs)
When: Tuesday 1 August 2023
Time: 6-7pm
Cost: £12
Maximum 21 people
Book here: https://beinspiredby.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=43062921

Restorative Yoga Workshop with Jo (July 2023)
Restore, relax and re-energize with Jo
Dive deep into a truly relaxing and nourishing yoga experience - 2 hours of yoga postures using various props to activate the rest and digest response in the body.
This can be powerfully healing because of its soothing effects on the nervous system which in turn reduces the production of disease forming stress hormones.
Suitable for all levels, and particularly ideal for individuals wanting to ease pain or reduce stress.
Please avoid eating at least 1-2 hours before the session and wear warm & comfortable clothing.
Feel free to bring your own items from home (such as pillow, cushion, blanket, eye pillow) - larger yoga props are provided at the class.
WHEN: Sunday 16th July, 4-6pm
WHERE: St Martins Community Centre (upstairs)
BRING: Yoga mat, cushion/blanket, eye pillow. Other yoga props are provided.
COST: £25 per person. Payment is to be made preferably by bank transfer to Jo (or cash at the start of the session if necessary). Please book by clicking below.

Spiritual Love-liness Morning
** Booking required**
This morning is for those yearning for spiritual nourishment and personal development, who are keen to delve deeper into the mystery of themselves, to embrace more of who they are and to release and let go of whatever is getting in the way.
We’ll begin with a self-enquiry as we journey through the chakras to see what is ready to reveal itself, the obstacles, the lack of love, the lack of self-belief, the lack of worth, the old patterns that keep coming up time and time again, that might be reflected in the tension and holding patterns in the body.
Then a yoni yoga session to delve deeper still, weaving together breathing exercises, some yoga postures practiced to help to release tension from the spine and the energy body, freeing the mind, and finishing with a yoga nidra, a guided relaxation practice to help us relax and let go.
Sound healing will follow to soothe the soul and heal on a deeper level still. And then a violet flame meditation, to continue the process of letting go…
Then we’ll gather together, pop the kettle on, enjoy an energy ball and have a play. You might like to dowse for a Bach flower remedy to help with your emotional healing, and/or use the dowsing healing charts to see what subconscious emotional energy you are holding and a meridian, which might be out of balance, maybe dowse to see what vitamins and minerals you are lacking and what dietary changes you might need to make. If dowsing is not your thing, someone else will be happy to do it for you.
Emma will bring her Ogham sticks so you may tap into tree wisdom, and a plethora of oracle cards, maybe a message from a Goddess, or a crystal you might need or a Druid animal card, maybe a lesson from the Osho deck.
You might just like to have a natter with similar-minded ladies, some of you might like to share Reiki, or just sit quietly, or go outside and hug a tree, whatever you need.
When: Sunday 2nd July
Where: Cobo Community Centre (upstairs)
Time: 9.30am-12.15pm
What to bring: Yoga mat, cushion, blankets, pendulum (if you have one), drink, snacks, journal (if you journal)
Cost: £35
Maximum number: 12
How to book: Booking required. Please click here to book your space!

Kundalini Yoga Workshop with Kristin
This 2-hour workshop is intended for all levels to give you a deeper experience of the practise of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, combining physical kriya with pranayama breathing and meditation, using mudras, sacred mantra and sound to evoke inner healing & vitality, cultivating health, joy and spirituality.
When: 3-5pm on Saturday 24th June.
Venue: Torteval Church Community Hall (which is adjacent to the Scarecrow Fest field, not to be mistaken with the building right by the Torteval church which is a nursery. The hall has a large car park so depending from where you come - its either just past the church on your right or before the church on your left).
Bring: Your mat, water and layers of warmth for deep relaxation and also any bolsters or pillows you may require to sit comfortably for meditation.
Investment: £20 per workshop or £50 for all 3 in advance. Concessions are available - please contact Kristin directly.
Book now by bank transfer or with cash on the day.
If paying by bank transfer, please make payment to:
Kristin Rathje
Sort code: 30-93-73
Account number: 38000768
Reference: KYWS + your surname
If you need to get in touch with Kristin please email her at sacredgatheringsonguernsey@gmail.com

Yoni Yoga Class (Booking Required)
** Booking required. Book your space here **
A gentle, yet empowering, healing and transformative approach to practice for women
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means, amongst other words, ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping women connect more fully with the wisdom of their womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of their true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of their heart in the process.
It is a deliciously nourishing, nurturing, transformative, empowering and healing practice for all women regardless of age or experience, helping women to slow down, take a deep exhale and - essentially - come home to themselves.
Laying mats in a semi-circle, and guided by Emma, the practice will weave together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand positions), and various guided relaxation techniques, women are invited to close their eyes and rest when they need.
No prior experience of yoga is required, just a willingness to be present to yourself, even if that means lying down the whole session and resting.
Please bring a mat, at least one blanket and however many cushions you might need to be able to lie and sit comfortably.
DATES: Tuesdays (16th May, 23rd May and 6th June)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £12 per class

Kundalini Yoga Workshop with Kristin
These 2-hour workshops are intended for all levels to give you a deeper experience of the practise of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, combining physical kriya with pranayama breathing and meditation, using mudras, sacred mantra and sound to evoke inner healing & vitality, cultivating health, joy and spirituality.
When: 3-5pm on Saturday 1st April, Saturday 29th April and Saturday 27th May. Join one, two or all three workshops!
Venue: Torteval Church Community Hall (which is adjacent to the Scarecrow Fest field, not to be mistaken with the building right by the Torteval church which is a nursery. The hall has a large car park so depending from where you come - its either just past the church on your right or before the church on your left).
Bring: Your mat, water and layers of warmth for deep relaxation and also any bolsters or pillows you may require to sit comfortably for meditation.
Investment: £20 per workshop or £50 for all 3 in advance. Concessions are available - please contact Kristin directly.
Book now by bank transfer or with cash on the day.
If paying by bank transfer, please make payment to:
Kristin Rathje
Sort code: 30-93-73
Account number: 38000768
Reference: KYWS + your surname
If you need to get in touch with Kristin please email her at sacredgatheringsonguernsey@gmail.com

Yoni Yoga Class (Booking Required)
** Booking required. Book your space here **
A gentle, yet empowering, healing and transformative approach to practice for women
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means, amongst other words, ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping women connect more fully with the wisdom of their womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of their true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of their heart in the process.
It is a deliciously nourishing, nurturing, transformative, empowering and healing practice for all women regardless of age or experience, helping women to slow down, take a deep exhale and - essentially - come home to themselves.
Laying mats in a semi-circle, and guided by Emma, the practice will weave together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand positions), and various guided relaxation techniques, women are invited to close their eyes and rest when they need.
No prior experience of yoga is required, just a willingness to be present to yourself, even if that means lying down the whole session and resting.
Please bring a mat, at least one blanket and however many cushions you might need to be able to lie and sit comfortably.
DATES: Tuesdays (16th May, 23rd May and 6th June)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £12 per class

Yoni Yoga Class (Booking Required)
** Booking required. Book your space here **
A gentle, yet empowering, healing and transformative approach to practice for women
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means, amongst other words, ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping women connect more fully with the wisdom of their womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of their true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of their heart in the process.
It is a deliciously nourishing, nurturing, transformative, empowering and healing practice for all women regardless of age or experience, helping women to slow down, take a deep exhale and - essentially - come home to themselves.
Laying mats in a semi-circle, and guided by Emma, the practice will weave together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand positions), and various guided relaxation techniques, women are invited to close their eyes and rest when they need.
No prior experience of yoga is required, just a willingness to be present to yourself, even if that means lying down the whole session and resting.
Please bring a mat, at least one blanket and however many cushions you might need to be able to lie and sit comfortably.
DATES: Tuesdays (16th May, 23rd May and 6th June)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £12 per class

Yoni Yoga for Beltane
The word Beltane comes from Old Irish meaning ‘bright fire’ and marks the transition between spring and summer. It is a celebration of the fertility and rampant potency of life force, when earth energies are at their strongest and most active and there is greater union between earth and sky and the merging of the self with the Self (the sacred marriage). This is a powerful time for union and for bringing dreams into reality; creating a new and greater aligned world in the process.
It’s a very real energy, and Emma has learned for herself the increased potency and potential for greater union on all levels of being both within one’s self and with others too at Beltane. It is entirely possible to access this energy and yoni yoga lends itself beautifully as the energy can absolutely be felt in yoni, for this is where our own potency and fertility, creative potential and life force is found within us. Creating a connection with the heart, then we are gifted the opportunity for greater connection to higher self (soul) and to our inner goddess nature.
Together we will join in a semi-circle in celebration of this incredible time of year, and the practice will weave together various Tantric yogic techniques including asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mudra (gestures), yantra (visualisation), mantra (sound) and a guided relaxation.
You are invited to bring an offering for the goddess altar as an offering to the goddess within yourself essentially. Oracle cards will be available too.
This gentle and accessible session is suitable for all ladies regardless of stage of life or experience of yoga.
Where: St Martin’s Community Centre
When: Tuesday 2 May 2023
Time: 6-7pm
What to bring: A yoga mat, at least one blanket and any cushions required
Cost: £12 per student. Payment to be made on the day in cash or by bank transfer to:
Sort code: 20-35-32
Account number: 73230457
Name: E C Despres
How to book: Please click here or the button below to book your space.
Maximum 21 people.

Yoni Yoga (Drop-in)
A gentle, yet empowering, healing and transformative approach to practice for women
‘Yoni’, is a Sanskrit term, which means, amongst other words, ‘place to call home’ and this approach to practice is centred on helping women connect more fully with the wisdom of their womb space (whether you have a womb or not, there is a space), which holds the secret of their true power, together with the compassionate and loving guidance of their heart in the process.
It is a deliciously nourishing, nurturing, transformative, empowering and healing practice for all women regardless of age or experience, helping women to slow down, take a deep exhale and - essentially - come home to themselves.
Laying mats in a semi-circle, and guided by Emma, the practice will weave together various Tantric techniques such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mantra (sound), yantra (visualisation), mudras (hand positions), and various guided relaxation techniques, women are invited to close their eyes and rest when they need.
No prior experience of yoga is required, just a willingness to be present to yourself, even if that means lying down the whole session and resting.
Please bring a mat, at least one blanket and however many cushions you might need to be able to lie and sit comfortably.
DATES: Tuesdays (25th April, 2nd, 16th and 23rd May and 6th June)
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
LOCATION: St Martin’s Community Centre (downstairs room, opposite the office)
BRING: Yoga mat, blanket, cushion, anything for the Goddess altar (should you choose)
COST: £12 per class or discounted package of £55 for the full 5 weeks. Drop-in session.
Please read our terms & conditions in the footer below before booking.

Restorative Yoga Workshop with Jo
Restore, relax and re-energize with Jo
Dive deep into a truly relaxing and nourishing yoga experience - 2 hours of yoga postures using various props to activate the rest and digest response in the body.
This can be powerfully healing because of its soothing effects on the nervous system which in turn reduces the production of disease forming stress hormones.
Suitable for all levels, and particularly ideal for individuals wanting to ease pain or reduce stress.
Please avoid eating at least 1-2 hours before the session and wear warm & comfortable clothing.
Feel free to bring your own items from home (such as pillow, cushion, blanket, eye pillow) - larger yoga props are provided at the class.
WHEN: Sunday 30th April, 3 - 5pm
WHERE: St Martins Community Centre
BRING: Yoga mat, cushion/blanket, eye pillow. Other yoga props are provided.
COST: £25 per person. Payment is to be made preferably by bank transfer to Jo (or cash at the start of the session if necessary). Please book by clicking below.

Kundalini Yoga Workshop with Kristin
These 2-hour workshops are intended for all levels to give you a deeper experience of the practise of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, combining physical kriya with pranayama breathing and meditation, using mudras, sacred mantra and sound to evoke inner healing & vitality, cultivating health, joy and spirituality.
We will practise an energising kriya to awaken your spine and entire body, cultivating our ability to breathe deeper, inducing inner healing and tackling negative thought patterns using the power of positive affirmations as part of the kriya. Therefore, I like to invite you to note down beforehand some positive affirmations that are personal and present for you, either you are working with them already or you like to bring more of that mind set into your life.
When: 3-5pm on Saturday 1st April, Saturday 29th April and Saturday 27th May. Join one, two or all three workshops!
Venue: Torteval Church Community Hall (which is adjacent to the Scarecrow Fest field, not to be mistaken with the building right by the Torteval church which is a nursery. The hall has a large car park so depending from where you come - its either just past the church on your right or before the church on your left).
Bring: Your mat, water and layers of warmth for deep relaxation and also any bolsters or pillows you may require to sit comfortably for meditation.
Investment: £20 per workshop or £50 for all 3 in advance.
Book now by bank transfer or with cash on the day.
If paying by bank transfer, please make payment to:
Kristin Rathje
Sort code: 30-93-73
Account number: 38000768
Reference: KYWS + your surname
If you need to get in touch with Kristin please email her at sacredgatheringsonguernsey@gmail.com

Restorative Yoga Workshop with Jo
Restore, relax and re-energize with Jo
Dive deep into a truly relaxing and nourishing yoga experience - 2 hours of yoga postures using various props to activate the rest and digest response in the body.
This can be powerfully healing because of its soothing effects on the nervous system which in turn reduces the production of disease forming stress hormones.
Suitable for all levels, and particularly ideal for individuals wanting to ease pain or reduce stress.
Please avoid eating at least 1-2 hours before the session and wear warm & comfortable clothing.
Feel free to bring your own items from home (such as pillow, cushion, blanket, eye pillow) - larger yoga props are provided at the class.
WHEN: Sunday 19th March, 3 - 5pm
WHERE: St Martins Community Centre
BRING: Yoga mat, cushion/blanket, eye pillow. Other yoga props are provided.
COST: £25 per person. Payment is to be made preferably by bank transfer to Jo (or cash at the start of the session if necessary). Please book by clicking below.

Spring Equinox Yoni Yoga (and creating Runes!)
Yoni Yoga for the Spring Equinox with the option to make your own Runes
The Spring Equinox is a perfect balance on the journey through the wheel of the year where day and night are of equal length and we might seek balance in our own lives between the masculine and feminine, the outer and the inner and the light and dark.
We are days away from the Spring Equinox where day and night are in equal balance, encouraging us to find greater balance in our own lives, between the inner and the outer, the masculine and the feminine, the light and the dark.
Furthermore, the whispered promise of Imbolc on 1 February is becoming manifest and is now evident in the abundant fertility of Mother Earth at Ostara. All of life is full of energy and bursting with excitement at the potential of what lays ahead. There is much to celebrate!
This is also a perfect time to make your own set of Runes and you are welcome to stay on following the yoni class (at additional cost) to join me in this endeavour – you won’t regret it, I use my Runes regularly as a guide to my life.
The word ‘rune’ simply means mystery, whisper or secret and it’s an ancient form of divination or oracle reading that is used to help gain insight into situations or questions. Dating back to ancient use by Germanic and Nordic tribes, the Runes are still widely used in today and for good reason as they can help to guide us through problems or issues and help show us what is likely to happen.
Please note that they’re not a form of fortune-telling and don’t offer exact answers or give us advice - rather they offer different variables and suggest how we might behave if the event does occur. Runes are known for hinting towards answers, but leaving us to work out the details, which is where intuition is helpful.
Anyone can buy a set of Runes but it’s fun and empowering to make our own, and learn how to use them ourself too. All we need is 25 stones, which can be inscribed with the Runic alphabet. A guide is helpful too.
The yoni yoga class will take place in circle incorporating various Tantric techniques including asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), mudras (hand gestures), mantra (sound) and a guided relaxation to help encourage balance, wholeness and a deeper connection with our creative energy and intuition.
Those who would like to stay can join me to drink tea, nibble on energy balls, natter if we choose and have fun together, while making our own set of Runes and giving ourself our own Rune reading.
WHERE: Cobo Community Centre (downstairs)
WHEN: Saturday 18th March.
TIMES: Yoni Yoga 2:30 - 4pm, creating Runes 4:15 - 5:15pm
COST: £17 for the Yoni Yoga, and £15 per person for the Rune making.
BRING: A yoga mat, blanket and cushions
If staying for the rune-making, you will also need to bring 25 stones (about 2-3cm in length, collected from the beach and perhaps charged under the full moon and/or by placing on your altar) plus a beautiful bag to keep them in (and you may like to source/make a material mat for laying them out on).
If you have a guide to reading the Runes then please bring this - we recommend The Book of Runes by Ralph Blum.